He wrinkled his nose once more.

"I find that really hard to believe." Wei Ying admitted.

"Why?" Lan Zhan was genuinely surprised. "You are my first. And Wei Ying must be blind if he has to question it. My feelings are genuine." The last part had an affronted tone. "Also, Wei Ying should know: Lans do not lie."

"That's ridiculous!" Wei Ying exclaimed with a flaming face.

But he looked pleased.

"It's just that...our situation is a little unfair..." He waved a hand between their bodies.

"I agree. Wei Ying is far more of a catch...but if he is willing to settle..." Lan Zhan hadn't even finished what he was saying and there was a squeal, so loud it hurt his newly sensitive hearing.

And then Wei Ying threw his arms around Lan Zhan’s neck, hugging him tightly.

Naturally, Lan Zhan hugged him back, loving this surrounding warmth, like a balm to his sluggish heart. That was another thing they were going to have to discuss. But for now, Lan Zhan let himself enjoy this all encompassing feeling.

There was a safety here...in Wei Ying's arms.

Lan Zhan did not feel so vulnerable, so exposed with him. And together with that, he felt reassured that no matter what, he could talk to Wei Ying about it, and the beautiful man would do his best to understand.

"You're so sweet to me...Lan Zhan." Wei Ying whispered.

"I like the way you say my name." Lan Zhan admitted.

"Then I shall say it more." Wei Ying kissed his cheek before leaning back so he could see Lan Zhan’s gorgeous eyes.

They were shining with another kind of warmth now...one that made Wei Ying feel a little bit smug because he was responsible for that look.

"But what I meant was...don't you think it's a little bit disadvantageous for me because you can sense how I'm feeling just through the way my blood feels...smells...whatever...and I...I can't tell what you're thinking. There has to be a balance for this to work out." There were other things to work out...but Wei Ying thought this needed to be addressed.

He did feel at a disadvantage...though it wasn't something bad, or something that couldn't be rectified...if Lan Zhan was willing to.

"I have never been in a relationship..." Lan Zhan considered this.

He had never been interested enough in anyone to even think about it, let alone explore any mutual gain.

"So I imagine it would require a vast pool of understanding between us. And as you said, this is new. For both of us. A learning curve."

Wei Ying nodded, suddenly shy.

"Has Wei Ying been with anyone?" Lan Zhan wasn't sure if he really wanted to know the answer. Suddenly, he was hit with a bolt of jealousy: anyone lucky enough to even be looked at by Wei Ying was lucky.

"No. My experience...has been strangely lacking." Wei Ying laughed awkwardly at that.


He shrugged, struggling to find the right words.

"I was in the last year of Uni when A-Yuan fell into my lap...literally. He was abandoned on a bus...and I just...I never got the time afterwards, to pursue a relationship. It was just pure luck that Wen Qing and Wen Ning offered to help me...otherwise I dread to think what would have happened to my boy." He shuddered.

Lan Zhan could smell a myriad of negative emotions, most of it fear, helplessness and disbelief.

When it wasn't directed at him, Lan Zhan found it wasn't as bad.

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