Chapter 2

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Jack woke up the next day, since he didn't have school today, he decided to walk in he woods and find the car, and meet some friends along the way to show his friends.

Jack couldn't fund any friends that was interested. When he got close to the car, he saw a girl, she was average height red/brown hair and blue/Grey eyes with a gold ring around her pupil. She was a shy girl, she doesn't talk much. Jack introduced himself to the girl. The girl said," HI, I'm Addison, nice to meet you!." Jack offered to show Addison the car that he saw yesterday, Addison agreed to take a look at the car. Addison said," The car looks nice." Jack blushed a little. Jack had a huge crush on Addison. And Jack asked," Is there a way that I can have your phone number by chance?" Addison agreed and gave Jack her phone number.

It was just about to be dark eventhough it was like 5:45 in the evening, so Jack decided to call it a day, he told Addison bye and that he will see her tomorrow. Addison blushed as well. Addison has a crush on Jack. Jack has blonde hair, hazel eyes, and he's average height.

Before Jack left to go home, Jack saw the car move towards Addison. Addison backed away, from the car, and walked towards Jack. Jack offered Addison to come over to his house. Addison agreed and they had a blast.

What would happen next?
To be continued...

The boy with a haunted carWhere stories live. Discover now