Part 2

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A/N: Y/n can't have everything we wish for on a silver platter, so Y/n is in a relationship with someone from the Losers club. The relationship has been on and off for 8 months, the relationship is kinda toxic however, Y/n loves him very much and hopes whenever they break up they'll get back together. Dw she'll get her mans later first they have to break up indefinitely.

(Y/n/n: your nickname)


Today has been going by rather slowly, no matter how much I looked at the clock which only seemed to be moving slower by the second. I just want to get to lunch already, my boyfriend and I got in a little argument a couple days earlier (we don't have all that many classes together), he cheated on me again, I still love him nonetheless. Though technically speaking I am single at the moment. I want nothing more than the bell to ring so I can go talk to him, my boyfriend is rather sought after although, most girls who currently like him made fun of him in middle school as well as early high school. I've pretty much liked Richie all throughout elementary, middle, and high school and I am so happy I finally got to date him! Personally I think he's a great boyfriend, although my brothers friends don't agree with me they keep telling me things along the lines of 'he's no good for you', 'he's gonna break ur heart and walk away as if it were nothing to him', 'just break up with him', 'you deserve better', 'he doesn't treat you right', etc. although I almost always listen to my brother and his friends, I don't want to break up with Richie he makes me feel so happy, safe, and special. Typically I don't like the idea of dating or anything like that but with Richie I'm on cloud 9. Even the simplest things he says to me make me feel like I'm floating.

Finally, after around an hour of non-stop looking staring at the clock it was time for lunch. Richie always sits at the same table with his friends and I need to get there as soon as physically possible, I need to apologize to him, I overreacted. He's cheated many times and never once have I ever lashed out on him the way I did most recently. As I speed walked through the stampede of students I spotted a familiar face so although I desperately wanted to speak to Richie I took a quick detour, I walked close behind him for a quick second then ran up and gave him a hug from behind. I always loved doing that, I never really got them back from anyone except Richie and Patrick, which I don't mind. Patrick was quick to recognize me, almost as soon as I hugged him he turned around so his back was no longer facing me and carried me into a big hug, obviously we were where nobody else was because he has to keep his reputation up. His hugs always made me feel so safe, in this moment I almost forgot that I needed to talk to Richie. We stayed like that for a couple seconds before he pulled away and set me down. In a quick second I felt one hand leave my waist, he lifted my chin slightly so we met eyes.

"So babes how's your day going so far?" he asked.
"It's soooooo slowwww, no matter that though! How's yours going?" I replied.
He laughed a bit before responding with "It doesn't completely suck, gotten a bit better in the last 10 minutes"
"Why's that?" I asked.
"Just cuz of someone, what are you doing for lunch?" He said.
"I'm gonna apologize to Richie, what about you?" I answered.
"Don't apologize to him y/n/n, you have nothing to apologize for he's the one who cheated not you" he responded quickly.
"I know but it's ok, I forgive him. And yes I do have to apologize because I overreacted" I replied.
"Babes you did not overreact, anyone would have reacted the same or worse. The fact you think how you responded in that situation was an overreaction just proves my point" he retorted, referring to the many times he told me Richie doesn't treat me the way I should be.
"No but Pat I do need to apologize, I miss him, plus if I don't he won't even think twice about me. Also meaning there is noooo way he's gonna apologize. This way we could potentially get back together" I told him. He looked disappointed and mad.
"I swear all you need to do is give someone else a chance, someone who would treat you right and show you times you'll never forget, has your best interest at heart, someone who actually cares about you, someone who'd kill for you, someone who wouldn't cheat on you every month, you wouldn't even think about him once. But of course why listen to me even though I'm the only one of us two who's knows what type of person he really is, right" and with that he shook his head in a disappointed and disapproving manner and walked off.

I stood there for a hot minute scolding myself also feeling some tears welled up in my eyes . I quickly shook my head to these feelings, pushing them all the way down. I began walking in the direction of the cafeteria to find Richie and his friends.

Finally, I made it to the cafeteria. I walked inside to look for them at their usual table. There I spotted the red head girl who sat on the upper right hand side of the lunch table, Beverly. Beverly is very pretty, and quite sweet but has rougher outside but once she begins to trust you that when you really get to see how sweet she really is, Beverly always gets quite good grades.

I looked to her right to see Bill, Bill was definitely one of the nicer kids in our grade. He is a straight A student. I always enjoyed hanging out with him, it does take him a while to trust you enough to open up but it's nice when he does, he tells you everything and comforting him is so rewarding in my book.

I looked to his right to see Ben. Ben is also a super sweet kid, he's one of the smartest people I know (the other smartest people I know are literally the 'Losers Club', he was mostly known as new kid when he first moved here. I wanted to be friends with him almost immediately, you could just tell he's the sweet funny kid with not that many friends, not to judge books by their cover but you could just see it in his eyes. He began to really trust me relatively faster than the others, I also enjoyed hanging out with him while me and Richie were dating. Even when we were arguing me, and his friends still talked just not as much as we did when me and Richie were together.

On his right was Stan, he got messed with by the 'Losers Club' quite a lot but he knew it was all fun and games. He was also very kind. He was one of the only Jewish kinds in Maine, he likes birdwatching and always gets great grades in school. I'm not quite sure if he trusts me but u hope he does because I know I trust him.

Across from Stanley sat Mike, Mike is also very nice. He's the delivery boy, he is also a straight A student. He is a very good friend, very reliable. I always liked hanging out with Mike.

To the left of Mike I saw Eddie, Eddie was always someone you could talk to. It also takes a little bit of time trust you but it's worth it, getting to help people with their problems. Eddie used to take a bunch of medication in middle school because his mom told him he needed it, turns out she was lying, so he gave up most of his medications. Eddie is s germaphobe, I really like hanging out with Eddie.

And next to Eddie sat Richie, Richie also know as 'Trashmouth' between the 'Losers Club' and through middle school. Richie is super smart, but never tries with his full potential. He always gets exceptional grades, Richie is quite the lady's man now, I slightly mentioned that earlier before. Richie always makes jokes, he never fails to make me laugh, nor his friends. It takes a while for Richie to fully warm up to you but comforting Richie is a reward ITSELF in my opinion. I love Richie so much, I hope he forgives me and we get back together. Being quite honest I love the whole 'Losers Club', I've grown attached to them. Who wouldn't though.

I started walking towards their table. Finally I made it! I asked them all I could sit with them, they al agreed but although Richie agreed he sounded even the slightest bit annoyed. The only open spot was next to Richie so there I sat. I began talking against the table and was soon in a fit of laughter along with the others. I finally stopped laughing but the others continued, I took this opportunity to turn to Richie and ask "Hey Richie can I talk to you outside for a second?"

He nodded and excused us. I took him to a spot I knew was almost away empty indefinitely but I covered his eyes because although it's a school we share the school only me, Henry, Patrick, Victor, and Belch knew if this spot. We made a promise we wouldn't bring anyone to our secret spot and if we did we couldn't allow them to know how to find it. Luckily nobody was there (or so I thought). I helped Richie sit since he still had his eyes covered. I took the blindfold off his eyes and let go of his hands. I'm doing so I looked up and saw he was staring at me so I started back. We kept eye contact for a couple seconds before I broken it.

To be continued

Quick A/n: sorry if this was a lot of reading HAHBDBSGSBDB Also sorry to leave u off on a cliffhanger. Hole u enjoyed reading have a fantastic day!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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