beginning (Sneak peak)

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($^#&*@&%!#€'s pov)

As I was talking alongside $%^&$^ I noticed the gods behind him and told him to shut up and turn around. "I swear Techno if this is another one of your schemes I'll skin you alive" I heard him mutter.

As he begun spinning around he seemed to have vanished before my eyes and then all of a sudden I was in a clearing with forestry around me.
"HEH, what the hell, Clay" *what in the actual fuck happened* "Alex you wanna tell me where the FUCK we are!" my friend said. But just as he said that a message popped up in my peripheral view welcoming us into this world server. Then the GOD that teleported us here begun explaining how he was in the process of merging pantheons, how he was slowly bringing us into this world and how the world worked and started explaining our quirks basically the abilities we brought with us. Once he had explained all that stuff which I partly ignored because of the fact I couldn't interact with the text box which I grew accustomed to. Anyways to make a long story short once all that happened me and Clay  walked out of the forest and are now standing in the middle of a city
So I've been busy and I mean really busy with work and life in general and almost forgot about this story because of it anyways enjoy the sneak peak of the intro sincerely your author, Haunted

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