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Y/N's POV:

I huffed as I trudged into school, with Jenna smugly trailing behind me. Maddie was sick today, meaning I had to deal with Jenna's sarcasm and sass all on my own. Huffing again, I opened my backpack loading my books into it.

I saw her smirk out of the corner of my eye, as I closed my locker door. "Well well well Y/N it's only been a few hours, yet you can't seem to admit the fact you adore me already." Rolling my eyes and sighing, I turned to her. "Dude even if you were the very last person on this planet, I'd still choose death over having to live with you! Seriously Jenna, you are more annoying than a rash."

As much as those words hated me to say, I couldn't let her see that I was madly in love with her. I couldn't be vulnerable in front of her, and let her get under my skin. She literally thinks she'll get me to crack at any moment. Little did she know however that she was wrong, because there was absolutely no way I'd crack this easily.

She sighed, and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well Y/N, just assumed you were obsessed with me. Don't even think about getting in my pants." I chuckled as we walked to class. Sarcastically I stated, "Oh yeah Ortega, I just absolutely can't wait to get some from the girl who makes my life hell." She glared at me, stopping in her tracks.

"Don't get cute with me Y/N, remember we still have a project for History to do. It's the last thing I'm looking forward to, but I won't fail this class because of you." She shrugged. "I don't know, I'll probably fail it for a different reason, but on my own terms."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Ya know, I think I'd rather laugh and watch you fail. It'd be much more amusing!" She sneered at me, brushing past me going to her first class of the day. I chuckled, and headed to my first period which was math.

Math was literally getting more boring by the second, which I truly didn't even think was possible. I sighed, leaning back in my chair a bit trying my best to focus on what the teacher was saying. However, hard as I tried to focus I couldn't. My mind kept drifting to Jenna, and her sarcastic way she said everything that came out of her mouth.

Why was I thinking about her so much? Did I really hate her as much as I thought I did? Questions kept forming over and over in my mind. That is until Mr. Quintin cleared his throat. "Ms. y/l/n would you like to explain the rules of calculus? Or are you far too busy daydreaming to even care to focus?"

I looked up at him, and cleared my throat. "Oh um n-no I'm totally able to concentrate. Just uh like lost in my own world for a sec." Students began to giggle, and I sighed trying to focus on the lesson. Mr. Quintin nodded and resumed teaching. However, all I could do was focus on the little punk that was making my life a living hell.

Why do I think about her so much? For God's sake, I hated her damn guts!

Class ended, and it was time for History. Which of course, I have with Jenna meaning I have to put up with her for a full hour. Truly I was dreading it, though I gotta admit teasing the fuck out her was a fun activity. I went to my locker getting my history book. I heard a chuckle next to me, already knowing who it was.

"Ugh look Jenna, I've clearly had enough of your sarcastic ass for the day. Can't you just leave me be for history class? We have to do the assignment together, and I'm already hating the fact your my assignment partner!"

She laughed as she shut her locker door. "My goodness you are a terrific liar Y/N! It's very exhilarating to say the least."

Together we walked into the classroom, and I sat in my usual spot. I rolled my eyes as Jenna sat next to me, and felt someone poke my shoulder with their pencil. I turned around, already knowing damn well who it was.

Hate your guts (Jenna x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now