„Have a nice evening Neesan." He cheered when he opened the door and entered his home. Eri smiled and wanted to make her way home when her phone rang.

„Hello?" Eri answered when she heard the familiar voice of Lee Heeseung. He didnt sound like himself tho. It was something Eri never heard. 

„Whats wrong?" she said into the phone and Heeseung quickly answered. „The day we went drinking coffee for the first time you said you would return the favor of listing to me when I need someone." He started still sounding super strange. Eri nodded even tho Heeseung couldn't see it. 

„I need someone to listen to me now. Can you come over to my house." He said and sounded desperate. Eri thought about it. She didnt needed to be home for dinner till 8 and it was just 6 she did have two hours and he also really sounded like he needs someone right now. „Send me your address I'll be there as fast as I can." She said and ended the call waiting for his address.

To Eri's suprise Heeseungs home wasnt to far away from her favorite park and she soon stood infront of the apparent complex.

She rang the bell and Heeseung opened the door.

Heeseung looked furious, stressed and worried all at the same Time. She had never seen him like this before.  Eri took off her shoes while Heeseung was looking at his phone. He then looked at the small japanese girl. His face turned soft and there was more worry in his face than anything else.

„Thank you for coming." He said leading her to his living room,. His small flat was decorated very nicely and Eri saw some Toy story figurines in his bookshelf.

He let himself fall down on his comfy couch looking at the celling.

„Whats wrong?" Eri asked seeing his worried face. He sighed once more before he started talking.

„Today was a horrible day." He started sighing once again.

Eri was slightly worried seeing the boy like this.

The girl sat down next to Heeseung and he sighed again. „I will listen. Just let it out." She said and Heeseung nodded.

„I finally did it." He said and Eri looked confused. „I finally did it." He said again. „What did you do?" Eri then asked. „I broke up. I broke up completely." He announced and looked at Eri. She was quite suprised about the news. She just had told Taki that he had a girlfriend. 

„Okay. Did you had a specific reason or the usual?" she then asked and Heeseung looked at her. He was so happy that she was here right now.

„I completely ended it. I will not take her back. What she did was wrong. It was wrong on so many levels." He said remembering what happened a few hours prior. „What happened?" Eri asked looking at the older male.

He looked at her. Eri's eyes were soft she looked at him with worry in her face and he took a deep breath.

„You met my friend Hana right." He started and Eri nodded. „She has a classmate, Saeron regularly flirted with and annoyed this poor boy trying to get close to him even tho he didn't wanted to. I always tried my best to get her away from him because he was clearly uncomfortable. Today she went to far tho. Hana was out with the boy. And you have to know."

Heeseung stopped talking biting his lips. He was worried for his friend and he just wished that Saeron just didnt appear that day.

„You have to know Hana sufferes from panic attacks. She always did and she has them under control but she had one today. Because of Saeron. She was not letting go of the boy Hana was out and about and it became a little chaotic. Hana had a panic attack and The boy tried to calm her down but he wasnt able. He called me and he was so scared for her as well. He didnt know what to do. He even said it's his fault even tho its not. He was..." He stopped again because tears were in his eyes. He took a deep breath.

Eri looked at him. It must have been hard seeing his friend in so much distress.

„He looked so guilty. I was angry at him for getting her in such a situation. Because I know what to do but I am not Sunoo. I can handle with them but I always worry too much. And that makes her worry about me. And him apologizing made me angry. He told me it was because of Searon and I was worried about the boy as well. I took Hana home and told the boy he should get home safely as well and I told him that I would take care of Saeron." He continues the story.

Eri nodded. She looked at him and just listened because that was what Heeseung really wanted just in this moment. He needed to let everything out. His worries about his hobaes and his hatred for Oh Saeron.

„After I took Hana home I called her here and I broke up with her. I told her that what she did was unecxepatble and She was behaving like this classmate who was really bad for her. When I called her before she came over she was happy! She sounded happy! That made me so angry and annoyed. I told her what a poor human being she was and that I never want to see her in my life again and ended it. I feel better but horrible at the same time because she kind of was my first love and I know its completely over now and I am not sure I I did the right thing. My head is exploding with thoughts and the only person I wanted to tell all this is you." He finished looking at her with an slightly sad face.

That was a lot for a few hours. He was still worried about Hana, He felt sorry for the boy and he wasnt sure if it was right to break up with Oh Saeron.

Eri patted his back.

„Today was a tough day. You did well. You took care of your friend and the boy she was hanging out with. You did everything you could. You are a great Sunbae Heeseung." Eri said and he looked at her he had tears in his eyes and He didnt even understood why.

„You already told me that Saeron had a tough time with her past relationship. I know that is hard to accept but do you still love Oh Saeron?" Eri than asked.

Heeseung thought about it. When he though abut Oh Saeron He didnt feel anything apart from frustration and anger. There was no love. His heart wasnt beating faster than before. He heart wasn't beating for Oh Saeron at all. It stopped doing this a long time ago.

„No I dont love Oh Saeron anymore. I think i haven't for a while to be honest." He said and Eri nodded.

„It will be easier to get over her when you dont lover her anymore. She will become a memory that you moved on from even if she was your first love." Eri said and Heeseung nodded.

She sounded like she went through something like this before even if he knew she never had a boyfriend before. At least she never told him about any past relationships. He couldn't imagine that she had been single her whole life.

„I know moving one from your first love is hard. But I know you will make it." Eri that said and patted his shoulder once again.

„Thank you. I am really thankful that you listened to me. You are a really good friend." Heeseung said and Eri smiled. „I will be there for you Heeseung. I'm just one call away." She giggled and Heeseung had to smile.

She was the purest and cutest girl he knew and her smile made him smile as well. Most importantly she made him feel like home.

That Feeling When. • Lee HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now