".....That wasn't funny."

I agree.

" It wasn't supposed to be." Typical Gotou-san response...

Ahhh! Hearing isn't going to be enough! I need to see what's happening down there. I can try to take a peek without getting spotted, but one wrong move and I'll be found out. And if Gotou-san finds out? She'll die on the spot! Again.

Okay, Kita Ikuyo will go offline.

It's time for Kita " James Bond" " Mission Impossible" Ikuyo to shine!

I clenched my fist in determination, psyching myself up. After a few moments, I began to shuffle to the edge of the corner and then bending down, crawling to the stairs.

~ Sneak ~ Sneak~ Sneak~ Sneak~....

Rendezvous point reached! Proceeding to spy mode.

I took the slightest peek, stilling the rest of my body, until I finally caught a glimpse of Gotou-san and the boy she's with. The boy had brown hair, it looked straight and soft, that's a plus point.

A sigh escapes his lips as he seemingly offers Gotou-san the onigiri. Wow, what is even happening? What is the context here? How did these two even come to be–

Before I could finish that thought, I watched as Gotou-san accepts the Onigiri and began devouring it like a beast. Her eyes lit up and she spoke with her mouth full.

" Pork?" She said,

" Yeah. You don't like it?"

" No, I like it." She says before eating again.

The boy chuckles before leaning against the staircase wall. " Hehe, good. You had me worried for a sec'. " He said.




School just ended and all students were probably packing their things and leaving the class.

Ugh, I can't get it out of my head!

Gotou-san? My introverted bestie, Gotou-san? Has a boyfriend??

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