Emmet is done with candlelight supper

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The vicar sighed heavily when scenery changed to that frightening neighborhood. The houses were actually very pretty, and the area would have been very pleasant to drive to if it wasn't the same where the Bucket woman was living.

"So, is everything clear now?" his wife asked. "You are having a very important appointment tomorrow and that's why we can't stay for a long time."

"I don't know if it makes any difference. She never listens anyway!"

After a while they arrived at the front yard of the Bucket's house. The vicar stopped the car and tried to do all his actions as slow as possible so that they would have less time to interact with Hyacinth. There were already plenty of cars parked on the yard and they were a little late. However, that didn't bother him.

"Oh, how pleasant it is to see you after all these horrible times!" Hyacinth greeted them with a broad smile. "Richard, the vicar and his wife are here!"

"The pleasure is all ours, mistress Bucket. I mean, Bouquet," the vicar smiled. To be honest, he looked very suffering but luckily Hyacinth didn't pay that much attention.

"Please, come in. We have been waiting for you!"

. . .

Onslow's old clattering car was nearing to Bucket's house. Rose was sitting on a backseat and trying to smooth her skirt. It was quite hard since the car was jumping and jolting. Rose looked out the window. The neighborhood was elegant with its classic little houses and gardens. Of course, it wasn't as magnificent as the greatest neighborhoods nearby, but it was still a lot more pleasant than the area they lived in.

Onslow stopped the car in front of the house. The car jolted and puffed a great amount of smoke as always. There were several cars on the yard which seemed like Hyacinth was having her candlelight supper or something like that.

"I'm not sure if it's okay we came here. Hyacinth is probably having visitors", Daisy wondered as they stepped of the car.

"We already came here so we are going to give those flowers now," Onslow grunted and started to walk towards the door as Rose and Daisy followed him. Rose wasn't displeased at all because Emmet was usually on Hyacinth's quest list. Maybe she would get a chance to see at least a flash of him. Rose fixed her hair quickly before Daisy pressed the doorbell that made a sound of its own kind: a melodic snippet that sounded almost like a song.

"Good evening. I think you have mistaken about the house," Hyacinth said as she opened the door. "And probably about the neighborhood too." Hyacinth looked worried at Onslow's car parked just in front of the house. Hyacinth always acted like she didn't even know them when she had important guests. She didn't want them to embarrass her.

"We came to visit you because you're back from the hospital. We brought you flowers!" Daisy told handing a messy but rather sweet bunch of flowers.

"That is very nice of you, but you have to leave, now," Hyacinth said. "Since I do not even know you."

"But Hyacinth, when should we come then?" Daisy asked looking confused and still holding the flowers.

Hyacinth looked over her shoulder to make sure that nobody was there and then whispered: "Later. Drive somewhere and come back later when my guests have left. I will not let them see Onslow in that shirt."

"Couldn't we just wait outside?"

"No! I will not let them see that car either!" Hyacinth exclaimed and started to lead them outside when Emmet walked on the hallway. Rose straightened the bow on her head.

"Oh, Hello Emmet!" Rose called out and didn't forget to slightly sway her hair.

"Hello Rose." Rose noticed that Emmet's gaze stayed a while on her until he turned to others. "And hello Daisy and Onslow."

Daisy and Onslow greeted him back, but Hyacinth looked very frustrated. "Emmet, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was just looking for a toilet," Emmet answered quickly.

"I will come and show you," Hyacinth said and turned to Rose, Daisy, and Onslow. "And you must leave now."

"Bye then!" Daisy said as Hyacinth rushed them out of the house.

. . .

Rose was leaning against the wall outside the Bucket's house. Hyacinth had told them to leave but Rose resisted to go with Daisy and Onslow who were just driving back and forth somewhere nearby. She wanted to meet Emmet so badly and didn't really care if Hyacinth would notice her. Besides, it would have been very unlikely since she was too busy entertaining her guests. How was it even possible that they were sisters, Rose wondered. Come to think of it, they all differed very much from each other. She still liked Hyacinth in some strange way that only sisters would do.

Rose awakened from her thoughts as she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and for her pleasure, saw Emmet.

"Emmet! How nice to see you again. Is Hyacinth's event over?" she asked and startled Emmet who probably had thought he was alone.

"No, but I'm completely done with it," Emmet sighed and leaned against the wall next to Rose.

"I'm sorry about that. You surely need someone to cheer you up. I'm here for you", Rose said and got a little closer to Emmet. "If you need a companionship or... anything." She had seriously no idea if she would success to make Emmet fall for her, but she had decided to try as hard as she could.

"I'm fine, thank you. I just need some fresh air," Emmet answered quickly. "After that... I'll get back inside."

Rose was a bit disappointed. She took a cigarette, one of those she had stolen from Onslow and lighted it. Then she turned back to Emmet. "Do you want a cigarette?"

"No, thank you. That's not what I meant with fresh air", Emmet noted. "And I do not smoke in general."

"Oh, obviously," Rose gave a little smile and blew smoke out of her mouth. "I have to say, you do look very handsome."

"Thank you," Emmet said sounding a little embarrassed. "You look pretty too. I like your dress."

"Do you?" Rose smiled. She had known it would be the right choice. "I wear it just for you," she winked.

Emmet glanced at her with an embarrassed look, and they were both silent. It was blowing and they watched trees swaying back and forth. Rose damped her cigarette on the ground and turned to look at Emmet. Did she have to do all by her own since Emmet seemed like he wouldn't make the first move?

"It is quite cold here, isn't it? Shouldn't we go inside since your sister is still at Hyacinth's? There would be only two of us," Rose said and tried to look as good as possible.

"I think it's not a good idea," Emmet answered. Rose gave a disappointed look and turned her gaze on the ground. This was hard. Even much harder than she had thought it could be.

"But I can give you my jacket so that you wouldn't feel that cold," he suddenly said and started to take his jacket off.

"Thank you," she gave him a smile and trembled a little when she felt his hands on her shoulders, putting the jacket on her. "You are surely a gentleman." After all, he didn't seem to hate her since he was ready to almost freeze for her. There is still hope left, she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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