The Jailbreak.

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TW! this story includes the following. Death. Cancer. And Techno  if you will cry any ammout or have any mental breakdowns please don't risk your mental health for this story!

~Techno's pov~

Ugh. It was the day of the jailbreak. If this doesn't help get Ranboo out I don't know what will anymore. If I die during this it won't be a surprise. My arm has been getting worse by the minute.
I wouldn't be surprised if I dropped dead right here. I guess we will have to see what happens.
I start packing up some extra things for the jailbreak when all of a sudden I get a really sharp pain in my arm. I brush it off and put on my cape before Phil can see the big toumer like thing on my arm.
I finish packing and Phil walks in. "Hey Phil." My voice is shaky and I can tell he somehow noticed.
"You ok mate?" I quickly thought of some type of lie to get me through the conversation quicker so we can get the heck out there before it got dark or rainy out.
"Yea. I am just worried about ranboo is all." That lie seemed to work as Phil walked back out to prepare the horses for a long ride. I took a few ender chests, potions, and milk with me to make this journey easier.
I set out ignoring the pain once again coughing on the way to the prison. It was no normal cough. It was a really scratchy and gross cough. I reached the prison immediately going into the hole we dug prior and started digging further until I reached the prison wall. My dog was following me and we struck into the wall noticing lava on the other side somehow not flowing in.
~they got Dream out getting ranboo out~
"How the hell are you going to destroy this wall? We have mining fatigue!" Dream sounded urgent. I had to push through the pain of my arm again and drink milk destroying the wall almost instantly. We got the other side noticing it wasn't ranboo but conner on the other side?
"Oh my god thank you for saving me!"
"Wait.what Connor!? What are you doing here?" He replied with something I didn't understand and we broke down the cell door.
~after ranboo dies I'm lazy~
"RANBOO." I screamed at the top of my lungs as I watch my friend collapse before throwing me a strange photo. I looked at the photo for a brief second before I was being chased getting hit with a sword a couple of times. I ran to the horses where withers were being spawned and Phil was waiting impatiently with the horses. We all hopped on the horses. I had to ride with only one hand holding the reins while I gave my horse a little kick that ment 'go. As fast as you can run' and we all set off to my house.
When we arrived and dream left I went inside holding my arm in pain. Phil walked in after me. "You ok mate?" I couldn't think of a lie fast enough so...

Cliffhanger. Sorry for the slight sadness- but next chapter will be even sadder.

Word count: 546

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