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Vanessa is a top class spy agent. She's been used in every type of mission and success in all of them. She has this way of work she does that makes her good at her work. She uses disguises to hide her identity. For her mission this time is to go on a blind date, her target is Valerie. Her family owes Vanessa's boss money and the only way they could find it easier to do so was to make her go on a "blind" date with Valerie. The mission was going well and everything was going exactly how Vanessa pictured. Later on during the blind date, Vanessa ordered alcohol. In Valerie's bio it stated how much she loves to drink. Vanessa watched as she got drunker and drunker. Through-out this date Vanessa has caught feelings for her. She was supposed to kill her off but she ended up taking Valerie to her bedroom.

"Vanessa, you have a new mission for me." Her boss said to her while looking through some files. Vanessa walks over to her desk. "Yes?" She answered. "Remember that family I told you about that owed me money?" She asked. "Yes, the Burtons I remember," she assured. "I found their daughter, I want you to kill her. Since she's their pride and joy they have to give me my ten million. Got it?"  She said while slamming her hands down on the desk.

It made Vanessa jump a little but she agreed. "One problem. You have to go on a blind date with her." Vanessa is prone to hating dates, she can't stand dates. "What?! A date?!" Vanessa yells. "Don't yell at me. And yes, a date, I can't have you go up to her and kill her, I want you to go on a blind date with her so she can tell you everything about herself and maybe you can trick her into giving you the money." She said while smiling.

"Your fucking crazy for thinking I'm going on a date. Even if its not real I'm not going." Vanessa says, sounding stern in the voice. "Oh really? So, you rather have your boss, your job, to go away because you wont get me my owed money? I guess you won't be getting your pay." She says while leaning forward. Vanessa groans. "Fine. I'll go on the date with her." Her boss smiled as Vanessa gave her answer. "Great..I've set you up a profile and you have a date with her tomorrow at 6 p.m, you better not be late."

Vanessa's boss' voice deepened, letting her know she's serious. "Yes ma'am." Vanessa leaves her office and sits down outside her door. She really doesn't want to go on the date but she knows she can't bag out of it now. Tomorrow comes around and Vanessa is waiting for Valerie to get here. "Where is she? I've been here since 5! It's 6:40!" Vanessa is about to leave.

As she stood up to leave Valerie  showed up. "About damn time." Vanessa mumbled. "Hi! Sorry I'm late, traffic was heavy!" Valerie says while getting out of the car smiling. Valerie has a pink polka-dotted dress on. "Cute dress." Vanessa says. Valerie smiles. "Thank you!" They go inside the building, their date is at a restaurant.

"Hello, how can I help you two today?" The person at the booth said. "Hii! I made a reservation for 2 last week? Under the name Valerie?" Valerie stated. They look down the list and eventually find the name. "Alright your table is back there waiting for you on the far right." They open the tassels so they can enter.  "Thank you!!" Valerie thanks them after entering. They go to their seats and start small talk.

"So valerie.." Vanessa started off while taking a sip of wine. "What is your life like? Anything worth knowing?"  She puts the wine glass down, her lipstick left on the glass. "Besides my family history, no not really.." Valerie is slowly falling in love with Vanessa simply just by her moves and gestures. "Oh yes, your family history sounds really enticing…please tell me hon.." She says with a smile.

"Well it all started with my mother..well– my great grandmother.." Valerie is starting to get off focus, she can't take her eyes off of her. Admiring Vanessa in her black, skin tight, silk dress. "Oh really? Then what happened?"  Vanessa has noticed how Valerie words are slowing down and how her body is relaxed and that dumb "in love" expression thats plasterd on her face. 

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