The Yuletide Interlude

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Lord Richard William Carey is also the great-great--great-great-grandson of Lord Patrick William Howard through his only granddaughter, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard who married the grandson of Lord John Carey in 2207.

Lord Richard William Carey meet the Howard-Stuart-Beck carriages at the Border of Norfolk and  Bedford Territory with his carriage and with him is Lady Caroline Matilda, his heiress to the Dukedom of Bedford Territory.

Lady Caroline Matilda Carey is holding her baby doll, Kosem, named in honor of  Kosem, The Sultana of The Ottoman Empire and the baby doll was given to her by her older brother, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory.

Lord Richard William gets out of his carriage and he walks over to greet his  many relatives and Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, and Lady Josephine Isabella and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart who is the mother of Lord Andrew Charles, Duke of Norfolk Territory.

"Welcome to Bedford Territory. " Lord Richard William tells everyone " Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa are waiting for all of you at Beltane Manor. I have brought Lady Carolina Matilda with me."  

Lord Richard William Carey leads the Howard-Beck-Stuart carriages to Beltane Manor and from her terrace Lady Karissa sees the carriages drive up the driveway to Beltane Manor and she calls Lord Andrew Charles to come onto the terrace and she points out the carriages.

Lord Andrew Charles takes Lord Anthony and Lord Albert Edward hands,  Lady Karissa gathers Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain, and she has Lady Elizabeth hold Lady Sophia Charlotte and she carries Lord Benjamin Lawrence in her arms.

Lady Anastasia Christina is brought to meet the carriages by her mother, Lady Theresa Charlotte Hardwick.

Together, Lord Andrew Charles, Lady Karissa and the children and Lady Theresa with Lady Anastasia Christina walk out of Beltane Manor to meet the Howard-Beck-Stuart carriage lead by Lord Richard William Carey.

When the carriages stop in driveway, Lord Andrew Charles walks over to The Stuart carriage and he opens up the door and Lord Alexander Charles steps out and he gives his hand to his aunt, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart and she smiles "Hello my dear son."  Lady Patricia tells her son.

"Hello mom. I am glad that you could come." Lord Andrew Charles tells his mother.

"Thank you Lord Alexander Charles for bringing my mother to Beltane Manor. " Lord Andrew Charles tells his maternal first cousin, Lord Alexander Charles Stuart.

"You are welcome Lord Andrew Charles. " Lord Alexander Charles tells his cousin, Lord Andrew Charles.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Lady Karissa tells them " You are  all welcome here." 

"Welcome Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, and Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg and Lady Alexandrina Charlene and Lord Ferdinand Alexander." Lady Karissa tells the children.

"Lady Patricia Charlene. Welcome to Beltane Manor.  This is your newest granddaughter, Lady Sophia Dorothea." Lady Karissa tells her.

"You know Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony, but you haven't meet Lord Albert Edward, Lady Anastasia Christina, and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey ." Lady Karissa tells her.

"How many grandchildren do I have now?"Lady Patricia asks.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard III has two children, Lord Patrick William Howard II has two children, Lady Patricia Charlene has two children, Lady Charlotte Augusta has three children, Lord Andrew Charles and I have five children, and Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Theresa have one child." Lady Karissa tells her.

"You have 16 grandchildren." Lady Karissa tells her.

"I do declare my baby boy had more children than the rest of his siblings. He reminds me of his great-grandfather, his grandfather, and father." Lady Patricia says with a laugh.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his mother " Please mom. Don't compare me with my late great-grandfather or grandfather." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Lord Andrew Charles. Your great-grandfather had four children, and your grandfather had four children, and your father and I had five children and with Lady Sarah your father has six children all together. "Lady Patricia tells her son.

"You stole the limelight from them." Lady Patricia says with a laugh.

Lady Karissa smiles " I have two children with Lord Richard William Carey." Lady Karissa tells Lady Patricia ' Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence." 

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR smiles " What my great-grandfather started will never die."  Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

Lady Karissa and Lord Andrew Charles take the lead with their guests they all walk into Beltane Manor and Lady Karissa tells them " All the little girls will share the nursery with Lady Elizabeth and all the little boys with share the same suite with Lord Anthony and Lord Albert Edward." 

"Lady Sophia Dorothea and Lord Benjamin Lawrence will share our suite, and  The West Wing is warm and Lord Charles Andrew JR, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III, Lord Patrick William II, Lord Alexander and  Lady Josephine Isabella will have suites in the West Wing,  and the South wing Lord Andrew Charles,  Lord David William Beck Senior and Lady Katherine, Lord Richard William Carey, Lord Richard Edward III and Lady Susan,  Lady Patricia, Lord Frederick William and Lady Mary and Lord Thomas and me."  Lady Karissa explains.

"There are two housemaids in the wing and gentlemen's gentleman." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Downstairs is the library, music room, dinning room, formal dinning room, kitchen, Lord Andrew Charles study, the living room, and drawing room." Lady Karissa explains.

"Our kitchen is well stocked with two cooks, a butler, and porter.'  Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Please make yourself at home ." Lady Karissa tells her guests.


Later on in the evening after everyone has bathed, changed clothes and rested, they all meet for a rather informal dinner and everyone gathers around the buffet and helps themselves, and the children join them.

Everyone sits around the family room eating and talking to each other and finally the evening is celebrated with a Yuletide Interlude with Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa singing a duet.

Everyone listens to Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa sing as she plays the piano in the music room.

The Evening ends with hot chocolate with whip cream and desert before everyone heads off for bed.


Count Down To Yuletide on Star Base 12:  Chapter 8: Yuletide InterludeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant