chapter 1

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Rosie: " Avery"

Avery: "hey sweetie,  where's Dyl"

Rosie: "he's upstairs in his room"

Avery: "where's dad "

Rosie: "still at work I think"

Avery: "how did you both get back"

Rosie: "Dylan's friend's mom dropped us off"

Avery: "fair enough,, now have you eaten" 

Rosie: "not yet"

Avery: "right hang on"

*she gets a takeaway menu out* 

Avery: "choose what you would like and I'll go and get Dylan"

*she goes upstairs to Dylan's room*

Avery: "hey kiddo"

Dylan: "hey mad hatter"

Avery: "you seriously still going to call me that"

Dylan: "yeah"

Avery: "I hate that nickname"

Dylan: *laughs* 

Avery: "now we're ordering pizza what would you like"

Dylan: "uh a plain cheese please"

Avery: "alright, what are you drawing" 

Dylan: *shows her a drawing of a candle* 

Avery: "that's good sweetie"

Dylan: "ben doesn't think so"

Avery: "he just doesn't understand but he still worries about you though"

Dylan: *puts his head on her shoulder*

Avery: "grief is always going to be hard Dyl but you just need to take it in day by day and I promise you it will get better it will still hurt but you'll feel better and just remember he  loves you and is only looking out for you"

Dylan: "you think so" 

Avery: "I know so"

*he smiles at her* 

Avery: "now we better get downstairs before your auntie  orders the entire menu"

Dylan: "yeah" 

end of chapter 1 

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