Cover Me, Cause I'm Changing Lanes

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The next morning after the garden party, Dean had woken up early and decided to go for a run. Constantly forgetting he didn't have any of his own clothes with him because of the last minute decision to stay, Dean had to make do with the clothes Jen had supplied him with. Which weren't bad, a lot of them probably worth hundreds of pounds, but they also weren't meant for doing exercise. Eventually settling on a pair of black loosely fit swimming shorts and a light grey vest, Dean grabbed his earbuds and phone before heading downstairs. He exited the house through the front door and as he walked down the driveway and onto the street, he looked on the maps app on his phone for a suitable route. Dean quickly found one that would take him on a sort of loop, hopefully taking him back to the house at the end if he was correct, and then he set off.

Dean went to the gym near his house quite often, liking to use it as a distraction when he was either trying to forget something or frustrated in some way. Said frustration either coming from work, friends, looking after Georgia on his own, or occasionally because he was feeling sexually deprived. Dean had had sex with other people since his wife died, not straightaway obviously and not moving on from her but needing that kind of release. Just like he had told Jen, his wife had died around a year and a half ago by this point and since then, there had been three women. Almost as if it was meant to be the first one happened at the gym when it had only been a year since, the pair of them making eye contact whilst working out and deciding to meet up in the showers afterwards. It had been slightly clumsy because Dean was out of practice. The second time happened not too long after that, the woman being a coworker of his and the pair of them meeting up in her car during their lunch break. And finally the most recent time happened about a month before this holiday, Dean going out to the pub with a few friends and somehow going home with a woman he met whilst ordering the next round of drinks. At first Dean had felt guilty, the love he had for his wife never faltering. However, Margot had insisted he didn't deprive himself for too long, never wanting him to suffer in any way at all.

During his run so far, Dean had been admiring the houses and other various buildings he had passed, wondering what it must be like for this type of lifestyle to be your normal every day thing. He had been so distracted with his surroundings that Dean failed to notice he was already approaching the house again, removing his phone from his pocket and seeing the route he'd planned wasn't actually that long after all. So, in wanting to work out a bit more, Dean simply decided to run straight passed the house and do a couple more loops. On his second way around, Dean noticed a woman who looked to be about a couple years younger than him who he remembered glancing at on his first loop. He smiled at her as they passed since she was running the opposite way to him and then carried on. Eventually they passed one another again, her obviously doing a similar route, and this time they sort of smirked at each other somewhat knowingly. The fourth time they came into the other's view, they both quickly turned off their chosen paths and diverted in the same direction, ducking down the closest alleyway that largely hidden by foliage.

Dean pressed the woman's back against the nearest wall, her running her hands over his torso as they feverishly kissed. He's placed both his hands on the wall behind the woman by her head, occasionally moving one of said hands to hold the side of her face. She pulled his body towards her's, squishing her between him and the wall and causing them to grind together. She was only wearing loosely fit short sport shorts and a sports bra which meant both of them clothes were quite thin. Dean could feel her hard nipples against his chest and she could feel Dean's large erection rubbing against her thigh. The pair of them reaching down, Dean quickly slipped his hand inside her shorts and pushed a couple fingers inside of her whereas she wrapped her hand around his cock. They carried on kissing whilst touching the other before she suddenly removed her hand from around him, causing Dean to let out a small groan.

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