Chapter 4: First Comes Denial

Start from the beginning

"Yeah but I'm the younger one, cool isn't he? Always taking care of me and the house" He could see his date didn't quite believe him, without his brother around he wouldn't have made it as far as he had gotten in the underground. So what if he was a bit socially awkward? He was just a bit more honest than most monsters were. "He seems more like a child than an adult... oh well, we can't all be flawless" They snickered, he could see this date wouldn't get a second chance, rudely talking about his brother in that way? It was a huge deal breaker for him. He dropped the niceness the rest of the date, resulting in it ending in a sour note. His date huffed in anger as they walked out, not satisfied with how everything went... Shouldn't have insulted his brother.

"My oh my! You are oh so positively bad at dating dearie!" Muffet rolled up to him, giving him an extra bottle of honey to try and cheer him up. Not that he needed it but he couldn't say no to an extra bottle of honey. "Eh just a bit rusty... Anyway, where did Y/N run off too?" Stretch inquired about you, were you going to visit Lucky? You usually did after all. "Ahuhuhu~ Maybe if you pay off your tab I'll tell you" She snickered, obviously that was a joke, she knew he probably would never pay off that huge debt. "But honestly, I don't know where they went... usually they would interact with my little spider workers but it seems today they didn't have time..." So you were in a rush? To see his brother? Heh no crush you say?

"Heh is that so? Seems they have a lil crush on my brother" He told Muffet, perhaps she could join in on teasing you. The two of them could double team in making you flustered, oh what a sight that could be. "Crush on Sans? I don't think so, they don't have that kinda look when he's brought up besides they usually don't rush out like that just to meet him" Muffet smugly smirked at his shocked expression, if you weren't with his brother then... where did you run off to? And why did he care so much...? The odd pulsation in his soul came back but quickly died down. He was just worried about you, that's all. "Eh... maybe you're wrong" He couldn't drop it, you definitely had a crush on his brother. "Dearie, I see a lot of couples looking at each other in my fine establishment" She started, as her multiple eyes turned into him. "And I know they don't have a crush on Sans but you however... you're quite fond of them aren't you?" Her smile turned quite frightening as her multiple eyes stared right into his soul. Him? Having a crush on you? Nonsense, he just liked you like a friend.

"Uh huh sure... Welp thanks for the honey, I'm going back to Sans... where Y/N will probably be" He snarked a bit at the end but Muffet just chuckled. "I'm always here to help whenever you realize your own feelings dearie!" She teased as he got up from the bar stool, luckily it seemed that nobody had eavesdropped on their conversation. This is not how he expected things to go, he wanted Muffet to start teasing you but instead she had turned the tables around and teased him instead! Oh well, her words didn't hit him, a crush on you? Pfft- that would be foolish of him since you weren't staying in this universe for long, the machine was almost ready after all. He didn't mull on it any more as he made his way to his brother Lucky.

He made it to his brother and he was with another monster but you were nowhere to be seen. "Heya there, what ya up to bro?" He casually asked his brother, they both looked up at him. They seemed to be making snowpuff statues, heh his brother was really skilled in that. "WE ARE MAKING MAGNIFICENT SNOWPUFF STATUES! YOU WANT TO JOIN?" Lucky smiled at him and of course he couldn't refuse his generous offer. Lucky's new friend seemed to be decent and accepting of his uniqueness which made Stretch very happy... you were the perpetrator who introduced them weren't you? Speaking of... he hadn't seen you for quite awhile now... he thought you had gone back to Lucky but apparently you had gone somewhere else. His soul pulsated yet again... what in the world was wrong with his soul? "Hey Sans, have you seen Y/N around?" He inquired while lazily building up a snowpuff into a pile of snow and nothing else. "NO, I HAVEN'T... SOMETHING WRONG? YOU SEEM TROUBLED" Lucky had noticed his worried expression, he always could tell what Stretch was feeling. "Nah... just worried s'all" Lucky reassured him that you would return soon enough... let's hope that was the case and not the last incident where you vanished for almost a week.

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