If they wanna leave pt2|Drew Starkey

Start from the beginning

Great. He knew you were crying, which means he probably heard you sining. "I geuss I was just clearing my head."-Y/n. You said looking down at you're lap, playing with the ring on you're finger(not a wedding ring)

After a couple of minutes you guys had gotten more and more comfortable around eachother. It was kinda like you guys had known eachother you're whole lives. You were joking around, making fun of eachother if one of you mixed up you're sentences, he made you forget the real reason why you were out so late.

Soon enough he pulled into you're drive way. He stopped the car, parking it, and both of you unbuckled you're seat belt. 'Why did he unbundled his seat belt?'

{Drew's Pov}

When I had gotten on the road that Y/n's house was on, I had already made up my mind to walk her to the door. This wasn't one of the safest places to live. There are alot of robberies, and the people around her aren't good.
When I had pulled into her driveway, I parked and unbuckled my seat belt.
"If you're ok with it, could I walk you to the door?"-Drew.

"Oh, um yeah, sure."-Y/n. She said nodding. We both stepped out of the car, closing the doors, and headed to her front door. Her house was small, but very well taken care of. When we got to the front door we both stopped.
"Thank you, for the ride."-Y/n. She said lookeding down at her feet. "Of course, it was no problem. I um enjoyed it."-Drew.

"Hey I was wondering if I could uh have you phone number? We could hang out sometime?"-Drew. "Yeah, that'd be alot fun."-y/n. We both switched phones, putting our numbers in, then giving eachothers phone back.(that made no sence)

I was about to say something, but the front door quickly opened. "Where were you!?"-man. He yelled at Y/n. I stiffend and moved closer to her. "Theres no need to yell at-"-Drew. "Who are you."-Man. He said with venom in his tone. "Josh can we just-"-Y/n. "So this is him isn't it. The one you've been going around with!?"-Josh.

He yelled at her again. I looked at Y/n to see her eyes glossed with tears. Is he the reason she was crying in the parking lot? I looked back at, who I now know as, Josh. His jaw was clenched and he heald both his hands in fists, his knuckles turning white.

{Y/n's Pov}

"No, he only gave me a ride home-"-Y/n. "So why didn't you call me!?"-Josh. He yelled at you, stepping out of the house and slaming the door, so he was right infront of you.
"You broke up with me-"-Y/n. "Because you were cheating! And clearly it didn't bother you couse you're still going out with him!"-Josh.

He motioned his hand twards Drew.
"I wasn't cheating...please just leave."-Y/n. I said in more of a wisper, looking at Josh as I tried to keep the tears from falling. He chuckled darkly as he put his hands in a fists and stepped closer. "You're such a liar. You have no one. I was there for you and you cheated....now I know why you're parents kicked you out-"-Josh.

Suddenly Drew stepped infront of you. His hands in fists, glaring at Josh.
"That's enough. She asked you to leave, so I suggest you do."-Drew.
"This is none of you're business. I suggest you get out of the way."-Josh.
He said trying to intimidate Drew. "Or what."-Drew. Drew said through gritted teeth.

Josh then threw a punch. Hitting Drew's nose and mouth. I gasped in shock. "Josh!"-Y/n. I was about to walk infront of Drew, but he put his hand out, stopping you, and putting you back behind him.

{Drew's Pov. Tw: mentions blood}

My head was still turned to the side. I wiped the blood comming from my lip, only to realize it was also comming from my nose. I turned my head back to him, chuckling quietly.
"What not ganna fight back?"-Josh. He said in a mocking tone. Just then we all heard sirens, then two police car pulled into the driveway. "Nah, I'll let the police take care of it."-Drew.

"Which one of you called?"-Police. "I did."-Drew. I then nodded my head twards Josh, and the man knew what I meant. After a couple of minutes the police escort Josh, taking him back home with a warning.

Y/n stepped infront of me looking at my face. "I'm so sorry, are you ok?"-Y/n. "Y/n I'm fine. I should be asking you this....Josh hasn't hit you before right?"-Drew. "No."-Y/n. I nodded in response. "Here come inside. You need to get cleaned up."-Y/n. "Y/n, I'm fine, get some rest-"-Drew. "Nope, you're comming inside. You have done alot for me tonight so the least I could do is help you."-Y/n.

She turned around and opend the door, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. "I'll be right back."-Y/n. She said once we were in the kitchen.
She got back with a wash rag in hand.
She wet the rag with warm water, then walked up to me.

She stopped realizing she couldn't reach. "Maybe you could sit in the dining room?"-Y/n. I nodded in response. We both walked into the dining room, and i sat down in a chair. She then stood infront of me, and heald my face to wipe the dried blood from my nose and lip.

"Thank you."-Y/n. She said after she was done, wiping all the blood. "What do you mean? I should be thanking you."-Drew. "For taking me home, then helping me, and-"-Y/n. "Y/n."-Drew. I said stopping her rant. "It's fine."-Drew. I said, looking into her eyes, and getting lost in them.

I cleared my throat, and looked away. Before standing up. "Um I should probably get going."-Drew. "Oh, yeah."-Y/n. We both walked to the door."Um, thank you helping me"-Drew. I said using my hands to gesture twards my face.

"No problem."-Y/n. 'This is theist awkward goodbye I have ever made'
"I uh guess I'll see you later Y/n."-Drew. I said walking out. "See you later."-Y/n. I walked out of the house, and to my truck. I got in closing the door and bucking my seat belt.

I ran a hand through my hair. 'What just happend.' I started the truck, and headed home thinking about Y/n.

Word count: 1,991
I'm back, sorry it's been a bit. I'm really busy and some personal things have happend, so if I don't post that's why. I hope you all have enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading! I'm ganna be working on dome Christmas ones soon! I hope you all have/have had a great day/afternoon/or night!
Remember you are loved, you're so amazing, and I'm proud of you! You're all beautiful!<333

 I hope you all have enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading! I'm ganna be working on dome Christmas ones soon! I hope you all have/have had a great day/afternoon/or night!Remember you are loved, you're so amazing, and I'm proud of you! You're...

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