part 2

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Your POV
I watched her turn back to her project, what was wrong with this woman? Why was she being so frustrating? She wouldn't die leaving the lab and she was going to leave it even if I would die doing it.

Me-"What are you doing?"

Shuri-"Working, as you have eyes and can see."

Wow, she was sarcastic alright, but that wasn't going to bring me down, I've read enough books to know just how to get her to leave this lab, whether she wanted to or not and so I grabbed the vibranium tool out of her hand again which made her to look at me with her big doe eyes, those beautiful eyes, focus Y/n.

Me-"Shuri, what you're doing is unhealthy, you need to leave the walls of your lab every once in a while."

Shuri-"And what exactly do you suggest I do?"

Me-"Hang out with friends, your mom too."

Shuri-"Which friends,you?"

Now that had me speechless, she was smirking and I found my cheeks heating up, I quickly shifted my gaze from anything but her and said,

Me-"You have friends, but now that your mom is here, you should spend time with her."

Shuri-"Yeah, but walking to go see her will be lonely, boring and tempting to come back to this lab."

Me-"And what do you suggest I do about that?"

Shuri-"Walk with me to see my mom? I'd like to really interact with you.We haven't hung out much."

She had a teasing smirk on her face and I swear I wanted to faint but that'd make her ego swell a lot more than it already had, I was going to shock her and I shrugged my shoulders with a calm

Me-"Sure, why not?"


Me-"Yeah, you're right about the two things actually, it's going to be lonely and boring walking back alone and we haven't really hung out so why not?"

Her smirk faltered and I could see a genuine smile on her face as she let me go past her, as I left the lab, I heard her say,

Shuri-"Grio, I'm leaving for a bit, but continue to take those calculations, I need a result when I come back."

Grio-"Of course, miss Shuri, when should I expect you back."


She gave me an incredulous look, yet again, I was too stubborn for her wasn't I? The walk to her mother's throne room wasn't that long so we caught up on a few things, which led to the revelation of her improving everything ahead of time for emergency, T'challa's death was a lesson to her. She didn't want to open up about it, but I wasn't one to push her so I let it be, but in those few seconds or minutes, can't remember the time frame, it felt like forever, but unfortunately all things must come to an end as we reached the throne room,

Me-"Well, here we are."

God that sounded so cheesy and awkward, even the look on her face said it all, she squeezed her face and looked at me like I said something I wasn't supposed to,

Shuri-"Yeah, we are here as you can see, but yeah bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

Me-"Tomorrow? Thought you'd be going back to your lab before then."

Shuri-"Yeah, I would, but I think it would be really nice if I dragged you out of your safe space too."

Was this her way of trying to hangout with me? Of course it was, Shuri would never actually ask she'd try to twist it to make it look like she wasn't begging, more like commanding but I read enough books to know that and since I was going to prove I wasn't a weak, nerdy bookworm, I was going to make her beg for it,

Me-"Are you asking me to hangout with you?"


Me-"You have to ask, cus I don't understand what you said, I only understand questions."

She narrowed her eyes at me, she knew what I was doing and of course she knew there was no escaping it and so she let out a deep breath and finally asked,

Shuri-"Y/n, would you like to hangout with me tomorrow?"

Me-"I would, it gets boring here anyways."

Shuri-"See you tomorrow then."

She said with a smile and hugged me before walking off, I found myself standing there blushing deeply, why was my brain trying to take what she said as a date?

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