The Black Knight

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The Black Knight

by: Doctor Arnold

  Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom called “Erihppas”.

Erihppas is a very cheerful and lovely king. The people there are very bright , they all will be seen with jolly smiles on their faces. Of course, we also have our bright king.

He is the most cheerful king that you'll ever see. He is also the kindest! He would often go for short walks around the castle with his childhood best friend, the baker.

And the one of the best things about the king is that he will do anything, I mean ANYTHING, to protect his kingdom. With the lead of the klaveiry, they can win anything.

But what about our main character? What really happened to him?

  The black knight lived in a kingdom called “Thrornlyne”, he was very happy with his life and had his siblings with him.

His brother, who was the leader of the Gonpendra army.

His sister, who was the leader Sagittarii.

And the love of his life,

The Ice Witch.

Of course you will think it's an evil Ice Witch that cursed him with a love potion.

But no.

They found each other when they were just kids. They grew fond of each other and eventually fell for each other secretly.

But… one rainy night, the Black Knight and the Ice Witch fought. The very next day… The Ice Witch was found dead.

There was a villager who saw them that night so the whole kingdom except his siblings accused the Black Knight for murdering the Ice Witch and was hereby banished from the kingdom Thrornlyne.

And that's why the Black Knight went to the kingdom Erihppas.

His first experience here in the kingdom of Erihppas, is not so good. He was seen to be a cold-hearted person by the people. Children and adults would go back inside their houses because of the rumors that were going around the kingdom.


"No! He's an assassin! My vendor friend from the neighboring kingdom told me that he was tasked to kill his partner!"

"We have to do something!" someone exclaimed

"What if he kills my children!" a mother held her twins and cried out.

News about the outcast spread like wildfire and soon reached the palace.

"My King! There is an outcast here that was banished from the kingdom Thrornlyne. Rumors say that he was an assassin, what should we do my King?" The maestro said.

The King was interested.

"Is that so? Well then, Rikoni!" he called out his most trusted klaveiry.

"Yes my King?"

"Bring me the Black Knight here at once!" he orders.

"I'll bring him here at once my King!"

And then sunset came, the klaveiry had returned to the palace with the Black Knight behind him. The king went closer to the Black Knight and what he did next surprises the people inside the palace room. The King had welcomed the Black Knight with open arms.

The people saw a cold-hearted person on the outside but the king saw what's on the inside. He saw a kind, brave, and loyal knight.

The King offered the Knight a room to stay and food.

Then One cozy night, the Black Knight now fully trusts the King and told him about the whole mess from the kingdom Thrornlyne. And Of course the King knew by heart that knight was speaking the truth and he was the first one to be told about this.

And after that night, he grew fond of the kingdom Erihppas. But still… he couldn't sit still because he didn't know what really happened to his beloved Ice Witch.

Then he started getting dreams about when he was with the Ice Witch when they were still little. Soon, that turned into hallucinations. After that, he started to hear voices.

Disturbed by this, he told his friend, the king, that he will be going into the depths of the Enchanted Forest.

The King understood, he gave the Black Knight some food and water, also other materials needed for the journey.

And so, the Black Knight started his journey in the mysterious Enchanted Forest.

Not so far away, he met his sister with her companion who was protecting the deers from a group of hunters. After he told her what was happening to him for the past few days, she insisted on coming with him. But her companion told them that they'll just go back to Thrornlyne.

After they both traveled for several days, they saw the Ice Witch. The Ice Witch was alive and well!

"How can this be? If you're alive… then who's the person below the grave!?" the Archer asks, puzzled.

The Ice Witch answered, "I survived my death. The person that the people buried was not a person, but a puppet that looks like me."

"Now that I found out that you're still alive, I still need to know who tried to assassinate you.

The Archer and the Ice Witch both agreed with the Black Knight. And so, the three of them traveled the Enchanted Forest to find clues on who tried to kill the Ice Witch.

They searched, and searched, and searched… but they found nothing. Until one day… They stumbled upon a hidden temple.

There was a secret message on a rock that they found behind the enchanted tree.

It said…

In this temple, there are three types of obstacles that need three people to complete.

The first obstacle is lurking under the icy shadows. This person has to bring an innocence and new beginnings, but can also go on the other end of the spectrum, representing a deep sense of sorrow and despair. Someone you very know who came back from death and mortality. That person is known to be fun and frivolous but can also have stillness and calmness.

The second obstacle is always behind an arrowslit. This person has to believe in themselves and always shoot from any angle, but can also run and hide, representing the balance of their strategies. It is someone who is close to nature and the moon. That person is known to be wise and intelligent but can also be kind and caring.

And finally that third and last obstacle is a group of people that are pulled like strings. This person is assertive and full of power, but can also be seen as a symbol of love and desire, representing the powerful energy in an extremely energetic way. He is loyal, and defeats foes with his courage and chivalry. That person is generally compassionate and friendly but dominant in their personality and may be quite charismatic

With these three obstacles solved out by the three people, the Black Knight finally knew who the assassin was. It was an evil mastermind that was pulling all the strings. The three went back to Thrornlyne to tell them that it was not him who killed the Ice Witch. Soon, the evil mastermind was beheaded.

The Black Knight started a new life with the Ice Witch in Thrornlyne, and they lived happily ever after…

The End. 

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