ten. breaking the news

Start from the beginning

"so do i.", Yoko said, walking towards the stairs that led to the exit. one by one, everyone started leaving. Divina gently took Bianca, leading her to the exit. she craned her head towards me, looking back, "see you tomorrow, Delacroix."

"bye, Divina.", i said, watching them go up the stairs.

Killian turned to Xavier and i, the three off us sharing a good laugh from all the craziness that happened in ten minutes time. "holy shit, that was the craziest society meeting i have ever been to.", Xavier stated through laughs.

i shrugged my shoulders, "well, at least i got less weight off my back now that i have some assurance Bianca won't be biting my head off everyday."

"damn it! would that mean she'll start taking interest in me since you both said for her to move on?", Killian gasped. i raised an eyebrow, smirking, "why don't you use your abilities to find out."

i felt Xavier wrap his arm around my shoulder, which made me feel warm and comfortable. Killian's face frowned as he looked us, "okay, third wheel should get rolling now. bye, bitches!"

and with that, he dashed off, leaving Xavier and i in the library. all by ourselves. it was silent for several moments before i spoke up, "so does that mean we're out to the world?"

"yeah, i guess we are now."

"maybe we should see if we got a world record for 'shortest lowkey relationship'.", i joked and he laughed.

it was silent again. how i hated awkward silence... or just silence in general. before i knew it, our faces were just inches apart, slowly getting closer as Xavier leaned towards me. we were literally breathing the same air at that exact moment.

my hand reached up to his face, pulling him gently towards me as our lips connected. my stomach started doing flip flops as it felt like i was ascending into heaven or something. or like i was falling from a tall height. either way, that's how i felt.

unlike last night, this kiss was more intimate, more... meaningful? i couldn't find the right words to describe it. whatever the word, this kiss made me even like Xavier more.

slowly, my hands snaked towards the back of his neck as i felt his hand holding my face, while the other held me by the waist.

my hand ran through his hair, lips moving in sync as it eventually started getting somewhere heated.

if you told me a month ago that i'd be kissing Xavier Thorpe, i would have probably died laughing. and i swore to never die of laughter.

"hey!", Killian called, poking his head back down the staircase. Xavier and i pulled away to face the stairs, but still held on each other. "if Luna wasn't my cousin, i would have locked you two down here."

"alright, alright, we're coming.", i told Killian impatiently. i love my cousin, but i would honestly strangle him for ruining the moment Xavier and i were having. Killian went ahead, leaving us again.

"we can finish this another time.", i smirked at Xavier who held back a big and eager smile, his face blushing pink. i took his hand and led him up the stairs, leaving the Nightshades' library.

we went our separate ways, me heading back to Ophelia Hall and to my dorm room. of course, the first person i had to tell about Xavier and i was my mother and grandma. i went over to my dresser and placed up the mirror, putting out the crystall ball from my drawer and tapping it lightly. "pick up, mother."

"yes, yes, hold on a second.", my mother's voice said through the crystal.

"i'm going to be contacting grandma as well.", i said.

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