The monster in the dark

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          Ever heard of it? Ever heard the screams in the woods? Ever heard all of the scraping on your walls at night? That's the monster. The monster that lurks in the Darkness. Shows up at night and it doesn't go away. You might think this is just one of those little scary stories. but no this is no scary story. This this is the Monster haunted me my entire life. the reason we've moved 25 times in my life. I'm only 7. The monster in the dark comes in whatever town where in. it scrapes. It goes and destroys entire towns. My parents try to protect me. I'm not allowed out of my room most of the time. never had a sleepover. I have like no friends cuz they all think I'm insane. My parents decided to home-school me. That didn't work either as the monster showed up during the day. It's just a shadow at night, it's strongest. it attacks out of nowhere it's scary but I have to try to live a normal life. It's weird not knowing if I'll be alive the next day, not knowing if I'll ever be safe. Here's a story of the last time I encountered him.

          "Lucy," my mother called, and I dashed up to her, "Yes, Mommy," only to see her respond with the last words I wanted to hear right then... Honey, pack your room. "What do you mean, pack my room?" I responded. We were going to move again. Why is this happening for the 23rd time? my dear. "That monster, hopefully it won't follow us where we're going," she said, referring to the City That Never Sleeps, New York. I looked at her like she was insane. It's just a shadow, but he'll still be able to show up; he'll still find a way to get to me, and that's a big city; he'll get to everybody else. My mother looked at me in my frantic state. my darling She repeated, "You'll be fine." Okay, this was the worst idea she'd ever had. We moved in a week and the shadow didn't follow us here right away. But he did, causing terror around the city. So we moved again. It was only a small space in the country, but it was the best and cheapest place we could find. I was used to being homeschooled at this point, so it wasn't that big of a deal. until I found out there was another little girl in the neighborhood who knew the shadow very well, as well as me. our parents talk in the end they bought the house. There's nothing in there, only pillows, blankets, a little bit of food that was in storage, and of course some water. We would stay there every night. The shadow came, and we heard the scraping. One day we walked out, and our house was so scratched that we could see through the wall. Then our parents made it out of steel on the outside. Overtime, it became so bad that we had to relocate, hopefully for the last time. The girl moved with us this time. Her parents said that she could always go with us because they didn't know how to keep track of this monster, so we moved again. It's the 25th time for me now, and the monster doesn't attack very often where we are now, in a small city in Oregon. I talk and talk, but I never mention the monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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