"I.. I don't know."

Her whisper made him smile. He was happy that Kuroo was affecting her feelings. But he was also happy for the fact that she was trying to move on.

"You know, when you moved away. Kuro wasn't the same. When your conversations died down gradually, he would still talk to Kiyoko to ask about you. I asked him to talk to you directly. He used to say that he didn't want to disturb you. You must've been busy. Just when you returned, man, I have never seen him so happy. He didn't stop talking even for a second."

Kenma's words made her heart flutter for a minute. She was glad that Kuroo still thought of her even when they weren't in contact. But that also made her feel guilty. Guilty for not mending their contact. Guilty for not trying to talk to him.

"Did he have anyone in those two years?"

"Y/N, no one's stupid enough to fall for his chemistry jokes."

His words lightened the atmosphere. The negativity dispersed for a while. Kenma smiled at her laugh.

"And no. He never even tried to find someone."

Her eyes widened as she finally met his eyes. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest. Kenma's golden eyes were focused on her as he spoke.

"Y/N, you have gone through much these two years and especially last few months because of that bastard."

She heard some shuffling near her only to see Yamamoto facing her.

"Kenma was this close to suing him."

He brought his index finger and thumb together, leaving a small space between them. She laughed at the revelation.

"I wasn't joking about it. I would've if she didn't stop me."

Kenma pouted before sinking into one of the pillows beside her. He patted her back before speaking.

"See, Y/N, Kiyoko-san is right. You can't distance someone from your heart."

He started. Soon, almost everyone turned to them listening intently to their conversation. Inuoka and Shibayama were unaware of what was happening at the back. They were too busy in the movie.

"I know, we don't even have to tell you about what kind of a person Kuro is. You know him well enough. If anything else, he became even more considerate and responsible than he already was."

Everyone smiled at his words. Yaku spoke up before sitting beside her on the other side, making Bokuto pout because he didn't want to leave her side.

"We won't pressurize you. But we can't see you struggle also. We love you so much that we want you to be happy."

Her eyes teared up at their words. For them, her happiness mattered a lot. Just like Kuroo, they believed that she deserved love and happiness. She wiped her tears before hiding her face in Kenma's shoulder. He could only smile while caressing her hair.

"Guys, stop making her cry now."

Akaashi spoke, making them profusely apologize. Yaku scolded everyone for causing commotion and made them return back to the movie.

"If you ever want to talk about anything, you know i am here for you. You already know that, but I still want to make it clear to you."

Kenma wrapped an arm around her shoulders while she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Kenma."

She whispered before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Kuroo entered the room only to find futons and blankets laid around the room, along with popcorn bowls. The dark room was illuminated by the tv screen, and everyone was huddled around it.

His eyes spotted Kenma huddled in a blanket who was gesturing him to go there. Carefully, he walked up to him only to find Y/N passed out in Kenma's shoulder. Her hands were clutching a pillow, while Bokuto made sure that she was covered with the blanket.

"Kuro, she is asleep. Take her to my room."

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, he crouched down in front of her and gently removed the blanket. His hands held her under her back and knees. Carefully, he stood up. Her head was resting on his shoulder as she soundly slept.

He looked around to check if her things were left there. Her phone was on the couch, but Kenma placed it with his. As Kuroo was about to leave the room, Bokuto spoke up in a not-so-quiet whisper.

"Aww, look at Kuroo being a husband material for Y/N."

Kuroo blushed, but the dark room saved him from further teasing.

"Shut it, Bokuto."

"thank you, my love" •kuroo tetsurou•Where stories live. Discover now