𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏..

Start from the beginning

       I woke up to loud knocks on the door "I'm coming i'm coming." i said tying my robe , i opened the door and there was Sebastian with Mani "Hey you okay ? i been calling you all night i was a little worried." Sebastian said

"Uh yeah i'm fine .. i guess " I said grabbing Mani's sleeping bag from his shoulder "Can i come in ?" he asked , i moved to the side to let him walk in .. he gently put mani on the couch .

I walked to the kitchen to make my morning coffee , Sebastian stood there looking around the house "Mani sleeps so peacefully , she ain't cry not once last night." Sebastian said .

"Yeah " I softly responded , i wasn't in the mood to talk but i didn't wanna be rude to him .

As i stood at the counter waiting for the coffee to be finished i felt Sebastian stand behind me , i quickly turned around and looked at him .

"Karen what's wrong ? your eyes are all red and puffy what's going on ?." he asked moving my hair behind my ear examining my face .

"I'm fine S-Sebastian i just need some rest ." I said turning back around "I'll take Mani back to my moms if you need a break .." He replied

"You can take her .. just bring her back tomorrow i'll have myself together by then ." I said

"Ight i gotchu , Karen i promise i'm gone fix this ma .. just give me the time to make this right for us ." Sebastian said "When will that time come ? huh ? when will it come Sebastian? two years from now ? maybe three ?." i said slamming my hand on the counter .

Mani jumped in her sleep , "Karen my bad .. i ain't mean to bring it up now .. i'll leave ." He grabbed Mani and her bag .

Once they left i heard my phone ring it was 64 missed calls from Dorinda and 5 from Jacky .. something in me wanted to ignore so bad .. but i couldn't ignore them for long .

"H-Hello ?" i said to Jacky on the other line "Karen ! what the hell is wrong with you girl ? why did you leave like that last night ?" Jacky asked

"Jacky you basically told me it's my fault because i'm not putting my foot down .. but i tried with Sebastian .. i kept trying and he didn't care this gang shit is more important to him than his own life .. his own family and i cant take that knowing he got shot because of all of this shit .. i wish he would just let it go .. it's not worth the pain ." I cried

"Karen we understand you're scared .. but if he don't wanna listen you can't make him .. but you need to tell him how you feel .. if you don't it'll eat you up and you know that .. because it's eating you up right now." Jacky said

"Jacky i cant .. i just cant ..." Tears kept falling after every word i spoke "i can't even look at him in the face without wanting to cuss him out .. he let that girl stalk me .. threaten to kill me during my pregnancy.. and so many other things that i wish i could say ." i said wiping my nose .

"Karen it's gonna be alright .. where Mani ? we'll take her if you want .. Leo's in town so i think she'll like to see her uncle ." Jacky spoke "Shes with Sebastian.. i let him take her cause i have to get myself together i don't want her to see her mother looking horrible and crying every second ." I said

"I understand .. i'll work something out with Sebastian to get her .. Karen everything's gonna be okay you just have to pray .. i prayed for you last night .. i want you to be okay because i care-.. " Before i knew it i hung up the phone

Listening to Jacky's words just made my head hurt , i knew everything would be fine sooner or later .. but i didn't know how to control my emotions .


Mani was catching a cold, i called Karen over and over again to find out what medicine to give her .. she didn't answer .. i just assumed she fell asleep after we left ..

I could tell she was crying alot .. which made a nigga feel bad cause i knew i was the cause of it . i ain't like to see her cry .. she to pretty to let her eyes get that puffy ..

"Here give her this , she'll be feeling better by tomorrow with this ." My Mama handed me some Medicine and i gave it to Mani .

"It's okay baby, daddy know it's nasty ma-ma." i talked in a little baby voice to her and she giggled , she was such a happy baby .

Once i gave her the medicine i sat her down on the couch to watch some cartoons "Mama can you watch Mami right quick while i go check on Karen ?" i shouted .

"Yeah son ! let me know what's going on with Karen ." she replied walking down the stairs .

I grabbed my coat and car keys .

I hopped in the car and played some music "I cant stay away from you too long .. even if i do i'll always call ." I sung along to Anthony Hamilton's "The point of it All "

I arrived to Karen house and turned off the music , After getting out the car i knocked on the door a few times and she came to the door "S-Sebastian i'm really ti-." i cut her words off with a deep kiss .

She pulled me in the house and i closed the door behind me , i swirled my tongue all around hers .. i quickly untied her robe and carried her to her bedroom .

As i gently laid her down on her back , i opened her legs seeing her being super wet .. i kissed all around her thighs .. i softly pushed 3 fingers inside her "Fuck Sebastian!" she shouted feeling me going in and out of her .

I locked eyes with her as she moaned loudly , i slowly pulled my fingers out and licked them .. i dropped my pants and draws wasting no time getting inside her .

I went in with slow strokes , she gripped my back with her nails "Shit ! Faster Sebastian yes !" She whined biting her lip .. i go faster as her moans get louder and longer .

"Damn Karen you so wet baby !" i groaned feeling how good it felt to be back inside her "S-Sebastian I'm gonna cum !." she yelled

"Hold it till i tell you to cum ." I said , she screams loud feeling me all inside her "Sebastian fuck daddy fuck ! i'm sorry !." She pull the sheets up not being able to take it .

"Take it .. you can take it right ma ?." i groaned "N-No im gonna cum !" she shouted , i went faster as i felt myself about to cum "Fuck baby you feel so good !." I yelled , A few minutes later we both released and let out loud sighs.

She pecked my lips a few times "Sebastian.. i wanna feel you again ." she said biting her lip .

I didn't hesitate to turn that ass around .

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