{A Pretty Red Tomato}

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S/N = show name
“Shumai, what’s this for?” I said as Shuichi pulled me into a deep hug. I got no reply, I assumed it was because we were in a Killing game, and everyone was on edge. I hugged him back. He seemed to feel better afterwards.

He got out of the shower, changed, and he met me on the sofa. As he sat down he told me about a show that Mui had recommended. I was a little worried, considering mui recommended it, but still, I decided to watch it with him.

As I turned on the TV, I asked Shuichi what the show was called, and he told me it was called “S/N”. I internally screamed, as I thought “wtf mui".

I had already started watching the show, yeah its good, but Shuichi would probably turn into a giant red tomato or become incredibly Horny. I tried recommending something else, but he wouldn’t budge, so with no choices left, I sat down and we put S/N on the TV

As expected, not even 15 minutes into the first episode, Shuichi's as red as a tomato. I let out a small chuckle, as we continued the episode.

Art belongs to milkii_bun on twt

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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