The road trip

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It was a beautiful and bright sunny summer's day in in London and they where all getting ready to leave to go to peppa town. "OK guys, are we all ready to go?" Asked Claire. "I am" said Will. "Yeah me too" said Nate. "I'm not" said Anna. "Ok well hurry up, because we gotta go" said Claire "ok calm your horses". Said Anna in a passive aggressive tone. "Hold on let me take a hit of this blunt" said Max. Ayo can I have some" Claire asked "Nope its all mine." said Max."Hey guys where's Nick?" Will asked."oh he's downstairs doing his demonic ritual" said Nate. "Well can he summon the devil later? Said Will. "I'll go get em." said Claire. While Max is getting high, and Nate and Anna are making out, Will is waiting patiently. "AYO NICK HURRY THE FUCK UP, WE GOTTA GO" Claire yelled. "Claire I gotta do this, it's important" Nick said in a anime boy voice. "You can summon Satan later." Claire said in a pissy voice. "No it needs to be done now, the ritual must go on." Said Nick "Oh My fucking God, then hurry up. Said Claire in an aggravated tone. They all waited five more minutes until Nick, the demon summoner was done. "How was your ritual?" Asked Nate. "Oh it was good til Claire interrupted. How was Anna's toung? Asked Nick "How do you know that?" Asked Nate. "The demons told me what you and Anna were doing." "Omg Nick shut up" said Will. "What does what I did not please you? Daddy?" Said Nick is a lustful tone "WTF NO, OH MY GOD" said Will. "ok let's go! Claire said. Five minutes later everyone was in the car and Nick was the driver. "Where are we going again?" Nick asked. "We are going to peppa town to interview the people there and investigate the peppa pig house." Said Claire "Oh yeah right, for our school's big project thing right? Nick asked "Yup" said Max. "Ok so, the GPS says to turn left at small cum st" Will said "ok will do" Nick said. After a couple of hours, they eventually passed the sign that said "welcome to Peppa Town" that has been vandalized with red spray paint pictures of pigs all over it. The village was quite peaceful to begin with, children were playing by the passing river, the local market was crowded with customers, and the road had nothing but drawings in chalk all across. This was the perfect opportunity to get out the camera and start the random interviews in the street about what happened here all those years ago."I knew that family for years" said Mrs. Rabbit, an old lady to ran every single market stall in the town "Everyone knew them, they were such kind people and they really contributed so much to our community before the incident" "Can you tell me what happened the last time you saw them?" Claire asked while holding up the microphone at Mrs. Rabbit. Yes, yes I can!" She answered. "The last time I saw them they were at my local hardware shop looking for a chainsaw and some rope." Said Mrs. Rabbit. "Ok thank you" said Claire "Ok who should we ask next?" Claire asked Will. "Oh how about that random sheep lady over there." Said Will as he pointed north. "Ok let's go and talk to her." Said Claire with some excitement. Claire and will where interviewing everyone in the town while Nate was with Anna looking around to write down some answers and Nick was sitting in the car. Will was the one recording and Claire was the one asking questions and holding the microphone. "Excuse me Ma'am" said Claire "Do you mind answering a few questions?" "Sure, what's this about? Some news thing?" Said the mysterious sheep lady. "No actually I was wondering if you knew anything about the pig famy case of 1997?" Claire asked. The sheep's sweet face turned to a hard stare of horror as there was a sudden tremble to her voice "Why would you want to know about that?" "It's just part of a documentary were making on mysterious murder cases" explained Will "Very well" responded the lady as she took a deep breath "March 18th 1997. The cops were called some point between in the night due to a domestic disturbance from the pig family home, it was suspected that they were all murdered because the house was completely covered in blood however the bodies were never found, eventually Peppa, the eldest child of the family got arrested after being accused of killing them. Three years later she escaped from the asylum and was never heard from again" "wow thank you for explaining that" Said Claire in shock. After that, Nate and Anna came back to tell Claire and Will about what info they wrote down. "Ok should we go to the abandoned house now?" Will asked. "Yup let's go guys" Claire answered

To be continued...

Hey y'all, thank you so much for taking the time to read this, part two is coming out soon. My best friend Will ans I made this we hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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