Chapter 1:The Return Of The Adventures (Part 1)

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Bianca is back and ready for some more fun. She walks on a nice sunny day.

Bianca:Man it felt so good to be back. Okay now to say the magic words. Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Bianca:Ahhh it feels good.
Mickey:Hi Bianca!
Bianca:Hello Mickey!
Mickey:Welcome back!
Bianca:Thanks. It feels good to be back.

The door suddenly opened and it was Donald.

Donald:Hi Bianca.
Bianca:Hey Donald.
Mickey:Well, I'm playing hide and seek with Donald.
Donald: That's right.
Bianca:That sounds fun.
Mickey:But he is good hider and I never found him.
Donald:Because I have the best hiding place in the world 🌍. And neither of you can figure it out.
Mickey:Haha. You think so huh?
Donald:No no no, never!
Mickey:Well this time I'm gonna find you AND you hiding place. Because today, I'm gonna get help from Bianca.
Donald:Oh yeah?
Bianca:Really? I'd love to help!
Donald:Okay. Find me if you can. Hahahaha!
Mickey: We'll count to 20 so that you can hide!
Donald:No, just count to 15. I'm pretty fast!
Mickey:If you say so. Ready Bianca?
Mickey and Bianca:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15! Ready or not here we come!
Mickey:Hmm where could Donald be?
Bianca: Let's look for him!

A door rang and Bianca and Mickey thought it was Donald.

Mickey: Someone's at the door. Maybe it's Donald.
Bianca:Mickey, isn't that a little too easy? I don't think that's him. It's probably someone else
Mickey:Right. But let's find out. If you see Donald, say "gotcha!"
Bianca:Got it!

Mickey opens the door and it turns out to be Minnie.

Bianca:Oh hi Minnie.
Mickey:Hey have you seen Donald anywhere?
Minnie:Nope! Oh, your playing hide and seek again. Oh and this time with Bianca.
Minnie:Well he's a good hider. But can you help me find my cookie jar?
Bianca:Sure we can

Mickey pushed the switch that opens the kitchen.

Mickey:Minnie's cookie jar is blue and it's shaped like a can and it has a red lid.
Bianca:A blue colored can and a red lid. Oh I see it now!
Minnie:Thanks Bianca. Your a sweet girl. Good luck finding Donald he's a good hider.
Mickey:Thanks Minnie

To be continued

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