Episode 3

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Episode 3

— 2. 3 —

BROWN EYES STARED at the screen in front of her. She replayed the video again and again with her jaw clenched slightly. Tomoe sat on her lap and looked up at his owner with his head tilted in wonder.

Behind her, sitting on her bed, Yejun silently ate his chips as he watched his sister in concern. He'd been watching her sitting there for almost an hour with her eyes glued to the screen. He was sure that not once had she blinked for a moment, or looked away.

On the screen was footage from the security camera that Aera had hacked into. Yesterday, she'd overheard Ha Eunbyeol telling one of her 'friends' that she was going to meet Seokhoon late at night so they could talk. Aera had wanted to ask Seokhoon what it was about, but she didn't get to, due to the tasks Logan, Yoon Hee and Yoon Cheol had given her.

They'd asked her to keep track of Seojin and Dan Tae, so she'd been following the two adults while skipping school, placing trackers she'd installed in their phones.

The only thing she could do now was to hack into the security footage, and listen into the conversation through the small mic she'd placed in one of Seokhoon's helmets when he'd taken her home from their dinner together. Even then, she couldn't ask him because she kept thinking how she'd sound like that type of girlfriend who doesn't have a single faith in their partner.

Not that she doesn't trust Seokhoon. It's Ha Eunbyeol she doesn't.

"Thanks for coming with me, Seokhoon" The mic picked up.

"Just hang on for a few months. During your mom and my dad's wedding, we'll drop our bombs and each go our separate ways.... No one can find out before then." Said her boyfriend.

'Now is there something you're hiding from me, Seokhoon?' Aera thought. Her eyes narrowed as the two figures on the screen stood next to each other. She watched as Eunbyeol started to lean closer and attempted to take his hand, only for him to pull away and create some distance between the two.

"You promised you wouldn't do this."

"Can it really not be me?" Aera scoffed lowly at her.

"Aren't you sick of asking me that?" Seokhoon countered. " I told you I'm not interested in you. I will always be with Aera, not even you can break us apart. We only have the same goal; ruining the wedding and never becoming family."

"You can't be dating Aera anyway! She's the daughter of a murderer and a bastard child, people only like her now because she's Moon Taehyun's daughter." Eunbyeol said. She stepped closer only for him to step back. "I can be better than her, Seokhoon. I can make you happy, unlike she'll ever could–"

"I don't need you! I'm already happy with Aera, so stop trying to pursue me. Why can't you just respect that?"

Seokhoon turned to leave and walked towards his motorcycle, getting ready to leave. Not sparing a single glance at her.

"Wait for me." She muttered and scrambled after him.

The screen went black. Aera looked up to see Yejun staring down at her and shook his head. His finger on the power button, switching the device off.

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