Chapter 1

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Jessie POV:


I woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm clock. It's already 4:00 in the morning I thought. I looked over to my twin who was still sound asleep on our bed or to be more accurate a bunch of pillows with blankets on top. Hmmm how to wake Jamie up i thought for only a split second till i went to and got a little water i quickly dropped it on to her making her pop right up. " What the hell Jessie!" she screamed at me. "shh.. we have to make breakfast remember?" i told her. "Fuck this stupid morning," she said getting up and dressed. "Jamie think of what day it is?," I tell. "Hmmmm.....," she says going off into what she calls zone out world, but it's more like lala land. "Happy Birthday" she whispered yelled at me. "You too," I reply. We quietly head downstairs to make breakfast for the pack. If your thinking I meant to say family instead of pack your dead wrong, I totally and utterly meant pack as in werewolves which we are. We start making pancakes then some salads for the sluts..oops I meant the bitchy whores. "Jess, you done ," Jamie asked. "Yeah let's go," I said and walk out the door to the hellhole which I and my sister must call a school. We always leave the pack house before anyone else since none of the pack members want to see are ugly faces in the morning. It's been like this since we were five.


Mom, dad, Jamie and I were out in the woods far from the pack house. Jami and I had just had are first shift on our 5th birthday and we were celebrating far from the pack since we aren't supposed to shift till we were 16, but Jamie and I were special. We were rare elemental wolves. Mom and dad told us there are more of us, but we must wait and tell no one till the time is right. They also told us that if something happened to our first mate or they reject us we have another one. As we were walking pack rogues came out of nowhere and attacked us. We screamed as one almost got us, but our parents saved us. We watched in horror as the rogues ripped our parents apart. When they were done they went to attack us,but that's when the Alpha entered and tore them apart, but he got brutally injured. We cried as we watched our alpha die before us. The last words he said to us was "Stay strong, stay alive.." That's when the rest of the pack alive along. They took a look at their surroundings. Then our older sister and older brothers who were twins came out and said the words that we never in million years would have thought they'd say. "You two should have died not mom, dad and the alpha." Our sister Talyor screamed at us. "You two are worthless little bitches that only worry about yourselves." Our brother Drake said. "Yeah you should just have died no one wants you." Our other brother Dylan said. We looked at them with tears in our eyes. " don't mean that. We're family." I said since Jamie was crying to hard to speak. "Your no family of ours you murders" Drake said. Then the whole pack came over and start screaming"bitches" and "murders" are brothers and sister then punched and kicked us. We blacked out. By the time we woke up we were alone. We had to walk back to the pack house bruised and battered.


That's how it all started. Now fast forward 11 years later and that is where we magically go back to the story. "I can't wait today is the day we meet our mates" Jamie said with dreamy look in her eye. "Yeah. I'm really excited to see who my mate is." I tell her. We walk into the school and just go sit under a willow tree and read. We're weird that way, but the willow trees branches are so low and down you can't see through unless your underneath. No one has found this spot, but is so it's our sanctuary and it hides our smells. It seemed like only a few minutes, but it was hours when we finally saw people passing by. We secretly got out from the willow tree without being noticed. When we got to our lockers the popular crowd was there. 'Here comes hell here comes hell' I telepathically told Jamie. 'It's more of, here comes the asswholes here comes the asswholes' I though about for a little while as we got closer to them. 'Your absolutely right!' I thought back. 'Course I am' she answered. I was about to turn to open my locker when I bump into someone. I felt sparks and my wolf was screaming mate! I looked up and saw the future alpha Paul. He looked just as shocked as I was. When he looked down to me his eyes showed love, but then they turned to anger and disbelief.


I'm soo proud of my self I think this is the longest chapter I've ever made and I think this story is going to be one of my favorites to write

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