What Y/N doesn't know is that this was something.. it was nothing to them.

It was supposed to be a joke.

This made the members nearly laugh, especially Chaeyoung, earning confused looks from everyone who doesn't know the context.

They now know that Y/N sometimes cares for them, this information alone made them hopeful.


Once I teleported away from them I quickly leaned onto something near me, which was a tree, I didn't teleport far away from the area.

I crouched down and gripped my hair out of frustration, while groaning in annoyance.

'Dang it, I lost my patience..' I said to myself as I scoffed, remembering that I exploded in anger in front of one of the strongest students, I shook my head while sighing.

'If she could have just kept her mouth shut.. and not ask about my motives..'

I tsk, while looking up, the sky was a dark shade of blue, the moon was nearly at the middle indicating that it was near midnight.

I calmed myself down by taking a deep breath, knowing that being angry won't solve my problems.

'One.. two.. three.'

I took a deep breath.

'Four.. five.. six.'

I exhaled slowly.

My anger ceased a few minutes later, I slowly stood up and teleported next to Ryujin who was crouching down, and listening to the teachers who arrived a few minutes ago, I'm guessing.

I sat down behind her and tapped her shoulder, she jolted from surprise, she looks back; her face changing into relief once she saw me.

"Did the teacher explain things when I was calming myself down?" I asked in a whispering tone, Ryujin looks at the teacher and back at me, while nodding.

"Yeah, it seems like we would have to wait a bit longer than usual, the buses disappeared earlier without a notice and we didn't even know." Ryujin says, while sighing I nodded at the information at hand and looked back seeing nothing but dirt and trees.

It was where the buses were supposed to be.

Ryujin didn't ask about my outburst earlier which I was grateful for, I was glad to have an understanding friend.

"We are going to prepare the tents again, please wait for further instructions."

From what I could hear, that was Ms. Park's voice.

I looked at Ryujin confused, she looks at me and slightly smiles while shrugging; muttering a sorry.

Everyone groans, as they all stood up and formed groups; to make their night fun, before they could actually go crazy and talk loudly a sudden cough was heard, making them stop and look at the front.

Mr. Park was there, arms crossed and looking at us dead-serious.

"Sit down. We haven't even talked about the scores yet." The teacher says, earning small scoffs from the students they all sit down and quieted themselves.

Mr. Park sighs as he snaps his fingers together, showing us a chart.

It was a day one chart.

About 60 names were listed below the title, making everyone nearly laugh, well except me and Ryujin.

The names that I noticed quickly were the ones who are in the same class as me, 3rd class.

"These students failed to even pass the first night, if you are here, what are you doing?" The teacher asks, as he tsks, he was disappointed at the students.

He then switches the chart, day two was shown.

In total 424 names were listed, that includes my friend; Ryujin on the top of the list.

Everyone began to murmur, surprised; they didn't know that mostly everyone was dead at day two; but they were confused.

My name wasn't even on the list.

They were sure that my name was on it due to the fact that Ryujin died, but it wasn't.

"The day two people that died were not bad, it was the majority." Mr. Park comments, earning small cheers from everyone, they were afraid of being scolded.

He then switches the chart once more; day three.

There was only one name on the list, out of all the students who could have survived on day two and died on day three, one name was present.

And it was mine.

'Then.. who was screaming earlier inside the forest..?'

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