Elvis screening

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Today is the big day, the Elvis screening. You are getting ready in the bathroom when you hear footsteps coming up to you and Austin's bedroom. "Hey baby, have you seen my flower pin anywear?" Just hearing his voice made you weak in the knees. " yes I did I put it on top of the dresser next to my perfume" Austin walks over to get his pin and you continued to put on your makeup and your hair.

After when you were finished with your hair and makeup you walked to you and Austin's bedroom and put on your dress. It was a gorgeous beige silk dress that you paired it with white heals. After getting dressed you walked downstairs to grab something to eat before you and Austin left.

While searching through the fridge you feel arms wrapped around your waist. Austin spun you around to face him. He was so handsome. "You look so beautiful Y/n". His words still gives you butterflies even after being with him for 2 years. "Thank you love, you don't look to bad yourself" you say with a smirk. Austin's leans in for a kiss but you back away. "Oh honey my lipstick isn't dry fully and it stains. I don't want you to be red the whole night." You say laughing. Austin smirks while kissing you on the cheek instead.

You did some last touch up's on your hair and makeup when you heard your boyfriend call out to you. "Y/n the limo is here!" You quickly grabbed your hand bag and ran downstairs. "Hey baby I'm ready" you say while walking towards Austin. "You look beautiful love" Austin says while giving you a kiss. Good thing your lipstick is fully dried.

The limo is waiting outside your and Austin's house. He grabs your hand and walks down the steps to the limo. You and Austin were joined by a couple other people from the Elvis cast. Baz and his wife Catherine and Tom hanks and his wife Rita. Austin helped you into the car and right when you got in Tom was so happy to see you. You loved the cast of Elvis so much. They were so kind and just amazing people. The limo driver started to drive to the screening, but you could tell that austin was nervous. You looked over at him in the eyes and he gave you a light smile. After being stuck in traffic for 20 minutes. You and Rita had a very good conversation about both our careers and other things.

You turned to austin again to see if he was okay. "Baby you okay?" You say looking concerned. "I'm okay, just a little nervous that's all" he says smiling. You put your hand on top of his and give it a light squeeze. "You are going to do just fine okay? You put your all into this film and I know that this night will be perfect" you say and he gives you a kiss in your hand.

You finally arrive at the screening when immediately see camera lights flashing and loud voices coming from all around us. Austin steps out of the car with my hand in his and people were going crazy. Voices from every direction calling your name to get pictures of you and Austin. "Y/n! Austin! Over here!" You turned left and right to get pictures and Austin signed some autographs.

When you finally made it into the building you realized you forgot your hand bag in the limo. "Shit Austin I left my hand bag in the limo." You say to him looking annoyed. "It's okay baby I have it" Austin says smiling handing it to me. "Oh my goodness thank you Aust!" He flashes you a smile before walking into the screen room. He holds your hand so tight when walking into the room.

You got seated next to your boyfriend which you were so happy about because the seats were put randomly. The movie started and you immediately got emotional. Just thinking about all the hard work Aust has put into this film made you so proud of him. About an hour into the movie you look over to Austin and see that he has tears in his eyes. You put your hand on his thigh and continued to watch the movie. When the film was finished you were the first one to stand up and applaud.

You could not believe how amazing this film was. You were incredibly happy for austin and the whole cast. You turn to Austin and a gave him the biggest hug you could imagine. You then went around to give Tom, Olivia and the rest of the cast a hug and congratulating them. You finally made your way back to Austin and stared into his blue eyes. "oh baby I can't not put it in words on how proud I am of you." You say while crying. "Thank you baby. So so much."
To be continued???

November 28, 2022

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