2: The Combat Veteran Awakens

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he woke up on the ground.  he was surrounded by 4 undead soldiers, guns pointed at something in the distance. they were standing, or standing in some kind of formation, facing away from him, protecting him  from whatever danger lay in front. he sat up, rubbing his head. there was a faint stinging sensation but that was nothing compared to what he had been feeling before.
"where am i?" he asked, but no one answered. they continued their silent stance. he looked at himself and was suprised, he was in his old military uniform. He noticed his helmet laying on the ground he picked it up and put it on his head. he stood, but it seemed he couldn’t walk very well for he swayed dangerously from side to side. as he walked forward the soldiers followed him in formation. he put his hands out to look at them and suddenly a gun formed from what looked like burning embers. he look at the gun recognizing it as him own gun he used when going in missions. it looked like some sort of AR variant. he looked around and noticed he was in some sort of jungle, he heard rustling coming from somewhere around him. his soldiers on high alert started looking around too.
the sound of footsteps got louder, getting closer, he aimed his gun at where the noise was coming from. he suddenly saw 6’4 man walk out of the bushes with his gun aimed directly at you. you both stood there guns aimed at each other for a couple of seconds before you lowered your weapon and so did your soldiers. the man looked at you confused, he was wearing modern day special forces outfit it’s a skull patterned balaclava and headset. you could only see his eyes through the mask .
"who are you?" he asked, and now he sounded more relaxed. he took a few steps towards you and slowly lowered his gun. you kept your gaze locked into his eyes for a couple more seconds before simply saying “cliff” without blinking. the soldier nodded and said “I’m ghost…why are you out here?” he questioned. you looked down at your gun remembering everything that happened. “are you ok there?….you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want too…” he added. you raised your head looking him in the eyes. “I could take you back to base camp if you need help…you seem lost…” he offered. you hesitated, not entirely sure whether to trust this person. you slowly nodded because things couldn’t really get much worse at this point.  he looked like he was relieved that you agreed to go with him back to base camp. you looked behind you to see your soldiers two of them were standing the other two were kneeling looking around. ghost started walking back to base camp and you gave your soldiers the signal to move forward, you began to follow ghost with your soldiers behind you. once you arrived at the base camp you walked inside the building. ghost pulled out a walkie talkie and said “there’s a new soldier at base camp…ghost out” before turning off the mic and putting it back in his pocket. he turned around to face you again “ I don’t know how long you’ve been out there but you must be tired so I guess we can get you a room”. you nodded in return. Ghost led you down a hallway to a hotel like room , “if you ever have any questions let me know.” ghost said and shut the door. you were left alone, but not completely alone your soldiers were still standing there. “why are you guys still here?” you asked one of them. they looked at you then at the other soldiers and nodded then they faded away into pieces of ash you let go of your gun and took off your helmet they both faded away into ash like the soldiers. you looked around the room and saw a mirror. you looked at the mirror and saw that you had an ink like stain near the bottom of your eyelid that looked like tears. you tried to wipe it away but it wouldn’t go away. you walked over to the bed and plopped down on it, falling asleep.

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