"Alright marmalade," she went up to a touch screen table with a map on it. " what are you up to, you fuzzy little weirdo? Mm, we need eyes on the city. Let's see if we could hack into the government's surveillance satellite."

" but you're the governor. Can't you just ask?" I asked while leaning my hip onto her table.

"Yeah, but, pff. The paper work." She shrugged.

She was able to and caught some movement. " I'm definitely ing up on some suspicious activity here. Those are guinea pig Heat signatures. Marmalade seems to be controlling them. But to do what? No obvious targets."

"That's because they're moving targets." Wolf picked up a map and placed it to line up with the one on the table. The paper map showed the schools, hospitals, and other charity places money would be delivered to from the gala for goodness.

"His charity fundraiser." Diane gasped. " he's going to steal the money. Raised in his own name?"

" it's the greatest Heist the world's ever seen. $1 billion in side trucks on their way to Charities all over the city." I said looking over the map.

" we need to cut off marmalade communication with his guinea pig army." Diane went on.

"If there's no signal.." Wolf started.

"There's no height!" Diane finished.

"We have to steal the meteorite!" I blurted.

Diane got a random black outfit from a box and through it at Wolf. "Put on your big girl pants, sir. We're gearing up." She turned to me, "Tempest, you can borrow something of mine since we're the same height." Diane ran over and grabbed one of her suits and gave it to me.

Me and Wolf pit our clothes on and grabbed gear. After we were ready a the wall behind us side down, revealing a black car.

"You stole may car!?" Wolf said jumping onto it. "Respect."

We hopped in and drove out of the garage. "Let's do this!" Wolf said in excitement.


Soon we made it to Marmalade's home wolf stopped the car and Diane rolled down her widow. "Once we steal the meteorite, we take it straight to the police."

"And all will be forgiven." Wolf interjected.

Diane sucked her teeth to hiss. "I don't know about all, but it's a start."

"Alright, let's do this thing." I smiled as we all got out of the car.

We snuck past the electrical fence and up to the house. We climbed to the very top of the house and and found an opening in the roof. We all got out our ropes attached to us and slid down to the room with the meteorite in it.

We got down to the floor when wolf looked off to the side. The golden dolphin was shimmering under the gentle light of the dim room.

"Why is that down here?" I whispered in confusion.

"Yeah that's weird. Why would marmalade leave the golden dolphin unprotected?" Wolf asked. He walked over to it.

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