80's Action Hero, Super Brainz, and Electric Slide Winston's Grill HILARIOUS

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"I-I'm sorry, my spelling is not that great, I, I'm really sorry" Winston said.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay if he spelled it like flot instead of float, we all mess up sometimes. None of us are perfect" Electric Slide said.

"Yeah" Super Brainz said, gently, after laughing.

"You're going to get the order wrong, aren't you? You seriously forgot the a in float? What on Earth is a Rootbeer flot? Do you think I asked for a Rootbeer Flot?" 80's Action Hero asked.

Winston looked all worried now. "No, I'm not! I--I, it's just that my spelling isn't that great! Please don't deny my service because I wrote down Rootbeer Flot on a piece of paper for your order! Have some faith! I, I never get it wrong! I've made at least a thousand rootbeer flots--I, I mean floats before!" he cried.

80's Action Hero just stared at him, not impressed.

Super Brainz couldn't help but burst out a laugh at Rootbeer Flot.

He gasped. "It, it's okay that you wrote down rootbeer flot, it's just funny" he said, and laughed again. Winston just stared at him like Super Brainz had lost his mind.

"Here, let me spell it out for you, since you obviously like to think that I ordered a Rootbeer flot" 80's Action Hero said.

"I am really sorry about all of this, I can make it right, I promise!" Winston cried.

"Pen, please" 80's Action Hero said. Winston sighed and pulled out a pen from his pocket.

80's Action Hero took it and wrote down his order.

"I want a rootbeer soda, with ice cream filled up to the edge of the cup. And please, for the love of all things, don't spell it like a rootbeer flot again. Or I won't pay" 80's Action Hero threatened.

"No, please, but you have to pay, even though I spelled it as rootbeer flot on the paper! I won't make it wrong, I promise" Winston said, desperate.

"Did I stutter? I said, go make me my rootbeer soda with ice cream in it, and it better not have any bubbles in it. You got that? Or are you going to go back there, and tell them to make me a rootbeer flot, like you did on the piece of paper?" 80's Action Hero yelled.

"I-I won't tell them to make you a rootbeer flot, and it won't have bubbles in it" Winston said.

"He's not perfect, would you just let the rootbeer flot thing go?" Electric Slide cried, and Super Brainz couldn't stop laughing over the rootbeer flot.

"Don't waste any more of my time. Go, or I will force you to come up with a rootbeer flot" 80's Action Hero said sternly.

Winston nodded and hurriedly left.

"What was that, you made him not make you a rootbeer flot?" Electric Slide cried.

Super Brainz laughed again.

"Do you know what a rootbeer flot is? I don't" 80's Action Hero said.

Winston came back ten minutes later with a rootbeer soda, with ice cream filled up to the brim and he was smashing down the bubbles with a spoon.

"Here is your rootbeer soda, really, I apologize about the rootbeer flot again" Winston said, breathing hard.

"What is this? You seriously took ten minutes to dump some ice cream in a glass and fill it up to the top with soda? Maybe the only two words you can spell are rootbeer and flot" 80's Action Hero said.

"I, I'm not the one who made it, I just told the Zombie in the back to make it for you, please, I'm so sorry" Winston said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, how many more times are you going to tell me you're sorry that you can't get ice cream and soda right? You know, Zombies are going to get mad, like me, if all you do is write down rootbeer flots for their orders, you understand what I'm sayin'?" 80's Action Hero asked, mad.

Winston nodded.

"Good. And why are there bubbles on top of the ice cream and soda? This honestly looks like a rootbeer flot to me" 80's Action Hero said.

"You just said you don't know what a rootbeer flot was" Electric Slide said.

"Well, Winston clearly knows because he wrote it down on a piece of paper!" 80's Action Hero cried.

Super Brainz now looked impatient. "Are we ever going to eat dinner?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, right. Thank you, Super Brainz. Um, hello, Zombies in the back! Did you all ever make my Chicken Parmesan and breadsticks? How long will that take?" 80's Action Hero yelled.

"Uh, they are making it right now. Can I get Electric Slide and Super Brainz something to eat?" Winston asked, nervously.

"Uh, do you two have money to pay for your own food?" 80's Action Hero asked.

"No" they said.

"They don't need anything to eat, uh, can you all hurry up with my chicken parm and breadsticks? Hey! Hey, you, hello!" 80's Action Hero yelled, waving his arms all over the place.

Bea Careful, another server, came to their table.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" she asked.

"Yeah, um, how long will it take until my chicken parmesan and breadsticks are on this table?" 80's Action Hero asked.

She looked confused.

80's Action Hero, Super Brainz, and Electric Slide Winston's Grill HILARIOUSWhere stories live. Discover now