Chapter 2

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"well okay then, how about i help you unpack then i tour you around the campus?"
She says.

I reply "okay lets get this over with"

We managed to unpack everything and ive placed everything where i want it to be, by the time we finished it was already 5 o clock
But she still insisted she tours me around the campus.

So we step out of our dorm room and she tours me around the school she points at a table full of wolves .

"They are the werewolves and over there are the vampires and the sirens!." smiling at me while she said that my face stays unfazed, By the time she was done touring me around the campus it was dinner time so we both went to get food outside.

And someone with a beanie came up to her saying "Hey enid! I heard that your roommate was expelled because she let piranhas out in the pool trying to murder the boys that were swimming!" i stay behind her while she moves away completely revealing me.

the guy looks at me shocked as if he had just seen a dead ghost she replied to him "well i kinda already knew that ajax." So ajax was his name?

"Oh cool cool..." he says obviously looking embarrassed and feeling awkward as he walks away enid was talking about him the whole time.

"Omg i love him so much!" "I can't believe he started a conversation with me!" I can't helpt but feel annoyed because of how annoying it is to hear that everyday she constantly giggles everytime she looks at cats on the internet.

(It is now 9:00pm)

I'm outside out in our balcony playing my cello while enid is inside doing something with her internet notebook.

she giggles 24/7 while texting it's an addiction for her, it gets annoying

(Enid pov)

Wednesday went outside i don't know what shes doing i'm just searching up cute kitties i can find on the internet also trying to find a pretty dress and maybe even one for wednesday too?

After 3/5 minutes i hear a cello playing and it was from outside our balcony. It was Wednesday she was playing the cello so well you can't even describe it with words how good she plays the cello.

I lay down on my bed while wednesday keeps on playing her cello, after awhile wednesday stopped playing and she comes back inside our dorm room.

I stand up and and go to her to ask her "how long have you been playing the cello Wednesday? You were amazing" i tell her while smiling

"ive known to play the cello well since i learned how to use a crossbow" she replied with

"12?" I ask her no replies "10?" No replies either "7?" And she finally replied "yes 7 now can you leave me alone i need to finsih up on my story bother me and you wont see the light of day ever again." She replies with a straight face and a hint of annoyance in her face.

I took the sign ofcourse and stopped bothering her but i gave her a smile after knowing she started playing when she was 7 but i went to do my own thing to leave her alone.

(The next day)

(Wednesday pov)

I wake up first as usual i go to the bathroom to take a shower, then i hear that enid has also woken up she always stares at the wall for 5-10 minutes before getting ready

And well with that habit of hers its enough time for me to get ready after i had finished taking a shower i walk out of the bathroom and i tell enid that she can use the bathroom now

While im braiding my hair enid sees me as she is done taking a shower

Enid: how do you mange to do this everyday?

She asks "it becomes a habit." I tell her looking at her from the mirror reflection.

Enid: oooh! Why dont you try any other colors other than black and white?

She says with a smile and an energentic voice.

Wednesday: i will stop wearing black when they make a darker color.

I tell her while looking at her straight into her eyes.

Enid: oh so no other colors? Got it!

She replies to me ofcourse always happy idk how she gets that but happy is not my thing but it suits her.

To be continued....

Woah two updates in a row?!

Maybe next time? - Wednesday (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now