Chapter One

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Already beyond annoyed, I used my quirk and telepathically threw a pillow in Makayla's face. Yeah, I probably could've thought of a more polite way of telling her the pop music she was playing was too loud, but where's the fun in that?

Makayla turned off her JBL speaker and smirked at me. She knew damn well I was never a fan of how loud she blasts her pop music during a work night or a school night.

"There, happy now?" she teased, sticking her tongue out at me. The young gal took her place next to me on the couch in the living room.

Oh, right! I suppose I should introduce myself first before I continue, huh? My name is (Name), although, to the public, I am called Araydia. That's right, I am named after one of the most prominent figures in Wicca and Neo-Paganism culture: Aradia, the Queen of Witches. Except, I guess the public decided to be a little extra and added a "y" to the name. If I'm being honest, I never really questioned it.

My quirk is witchcraft; I possess the same abilities as most witches do. As my powers grew with age, the more skills I was able to master, which are spell-casting, the ability to levitate for a certain amount of time, and powerful telekinesis.

I have the ability to cast a variety of spells and use them on myself or others. The spells can be activated through chants, divination, potions, casting curses, or enchanting items. I can also use my quirk to increase my stamina, but only for 3 minutes.

If I overuse my quirk in any circumstance, I end up either feeling extremely drained, end up with a migraine, or, in rare cases, I can blackout. I also have to be very cautious of my emotions, more specifically, my rage when I'm in distress or... well, it can get catastrophic.

And speaking of that, yeah, I'm also not exactly liked by certain individuals, more specifically, traditional religious folks, due to the harmful stereotypes they hold against witches.

I've been living in a 3-bedroom house in Musutafu, Japan, with my two childhood best friends, Makayla and Neh, for over 6 months now.

To briefly introduce them, Makayla's name to the public is Vida, and her quirk is fabric fiber. Makayla can freely control fiber, but she can only control fabric fibers; she can't take control of other types of fiber, like carbon fiber. She is able to create or erase clothes off of someone (take that as you will).

However, if she uses her quirk too much, she can experience hand cramps, or in most severe cases, she can get carpal tunnel. Her public name originates from her love for fashion. She's always been passionate about fashion, more specifically slow fashion, and has always wanted to become a part-time fashion designer and a teacher.

For Neh, their name to the public is Tempest, and it stems from their quirk, which is a mixture of teleportation and manipulation. Their teleportation quirk relies on verbal and visual description; when you describe a place or person to them or show them a picture of a certain place or person, they can take you there.

And for their manipulation quirk, when they look directly at you and give you puppy eyes, they can literally get you to do anything they want. However, they have to be directly looking at you for their quirk to be effective.

If they overuse their manipulation quirk, they will get nauseous for 24 hours, and if they overuse their teleportation quirk, they will start to experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing, and can even pass out in most severe cases.

The three of us graduated from undergraduate school in the United States, moved to Japan almost immediately after graduation, and applied to U.A. High School as teacher assistants. Well, to be a little more specific, Neh and I strictly applied as teacher assistants. Makayla initially applied to become a fashion designer in the costume/support department at U.A., but she had also applied to become a teacher assistant as a secondary job.

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