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I got back to my dorm just before lunch and sat on the edge of my bed. The ringing always got very strong here. My head would feel like I was being hit with a non stop dizzying charm.

I went into my trunk to get a thicker sweater to wear under my robes because it started to snow after class.

I searched for the sweater that Sirius gave me for my fourteenth birthday. It had a star and moon design on it and still fit me well.

Grabbing the sweater, I heard a clink of glass and all of the dizziness went away.

I dug down to the bottom of my trunk and saw the glass box, the very same one I got on the day I came back to Hogwarts. It was still there although I don't remember how it had gotten there.

I opened the box to see the dandelions were still as fresh as the day I received them. Their petals weren't wilted and they still gave off that disgustingly sweet smell.

Under the dandelions was a new piece of paper, a paper that I had not seen before. Tentatively, I grabbed it and read it.

The lover you seek is the one who reeks of lies and wanting to start over. Your love is kind but you turn a blind eye because of his surrender. This love is true and was meant for you. This prophecy has been set into motion.

I just blinked after reading the note. I was a part of another prophecy, a soulmate prophecy. And this time, my soulmate was close to me. I didn't have a clue as to who I should be searching for.

And I hate riddles so much. But from what I got from it was that my lover isn't well liked but he got a second chance.

I mean, it makes sense. We all want a second chance to start over. I only hope that this person realizes to look into their glass box and gain another clue as to who I am.

I really want to figure this out and I know Neville told me to leave it alone and just forget about love but ever since discovering magic, I have trusted it fully.

Besides, I can turn into Hermione 2.0 and go to the library to read about soulmate prophecies.

I tucked the glass box safely under my other clothing and put my sweater on before heading down to the Great Hall.

I wanted to grab some lunch and then head over to the library.

I saw Neville sitting with Luna right when I walked into the Great Hall. They had a small platter of finger sandwiches in front of them.

"Afternoon," I greeted, sitting down across from them.

"Harry, you'll never guess what Luna and I found by the lake," Neville said excitedly.

"It's a rare form of Gillyweed," Luna presented a bucket filled with slimy leaves. "It makes you able to not only breathe underwater but also talk to aquatic creatures. It's quite fascinating."

"That's great. What're you going to do with it?" I asked, grabbing a sandwich from the platter.

"Well, we were hoping to use it for a herbology experiment and I wanted to try and farm it," Neville explained. "The leaves' properties are actually really healing for deep wounds and can also heal scar tissue that's been around for decades. It's like an anti-aging, anti-injury and anti-bacterial plant."

"You should also write about it. I mean, this is a once in a lifetime discovery. You guys should get some credit," I offered, shoving a sandwich into my mouth.

"That's bloody brilliant Harry!" Neville exclaimed. "We should speak to Madam Pomphrey about this, Luna."

"Very well," Luna said in a dreamy voice. "See you later Harry." Luna grabbed the bucket and waved me goodbye as her and Neville exited the Great Hall.

I waved and grabbed another sandwich. They were rather good although I still fancy myself a nice muggle pizza once in a while.

Finishing up lunch, I left the great hall and went down to the library.

Madam Pince seemed to be the only one in there, it was very much deserted.

I greeted her and then went to the prophecy studies section.

These books looked the oldest here. Prophecies and You. Prophecy guide to your doom. Prophecy interpretations. Death Prophecies. Soulmate Prophecies.

I grabbed the last one and sat down at a desk. Flipping through the pages, I found a section called Box Prophecy.

Box prophecies are most common when two soulmates come of age. They then receive a box with flowers in it. The flowers vary but are usually what tie the two souls together. Each time the recipient opens the box, another hint or clue is found below the flowers that will guide the souls to each other.

Soulmates that grow farther apart will begin to feel discomfort or hear ringing in their ears. This can result in insanity or in some other cases, death. Sometimes only one soulmate can feel the pain because the other soulmate feels strongly towards their other half.

Box prophecies are rare but are among the most common amongst two individuals who have experienced many of the same events, therefore tying their souls together. Box prophecies also have a time limit. When the flowers begin to die, time is running out. By the time the stem of the flower has turned brown, both soulmate auras will turn gray, leaving them emotionless and alone for the rest of their lives.

I closed the book and sighed, sliding it back onto its shelf. I now not only had a mission to find my soulmate, but I was inclined to check the glass box every day. The sooner I collected all of the clues, the better I would be able to find my other half.

I learned many things today, some that Hermione would be proud of. Apparently box prophecies exist and also people can lose their emotions if their soulmate isn't found.

"That's just bloody brilliant," I said out loud. I was frustrated.

Everyone hates me, well, except for Luna and Neville and sometimes Theodore Nott, if he was feeling up to it. I hated myself at that moment. It's been nearly four months since that box showed up at my door and now I have to make sure some bloody flowers don't die or else I basically die. Devoid of life and emotions. SO fun.

I huffed and left the library, waving goodbye to Madam Pince. I had divination next and had to prepare myself to see Ron again.

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