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"Oh them? They're um. Relatives." He says slowly. She nods hesitantly and instantly clings to his shoulder. "Lets go shopping then! Were gonna have the best time ever." She says happily before pulling Yoru's arm forward harshly. You guys race behind him quickly. After an hour or so you guys are sitting down at the food court with Veronica still latched to Yoru's hand like a baby. You felt something deep down in your stomach that didn't make you feel well about her. You tried pushing it out of your mind but it just kept coming back. Neon checks her phone and she almost chokes on her food. "Oh shit- Y/N." She says while looking at you worriedly. Yoru pays his attention to you two while Veronica continues eating her salad because its 'so healthy for you and she eats them all the time' You look at Neon and say "Why are you so worried?!" you say. "HELP ME Y/N.. JASON IS HERE." She says while clenching your shoulders harshly.

"Really?! Where is he? He should hangou-" You get cut off with a "Hey Sunshine!" You screech and look behind you to see Jason. Him and Neon start snickering wildly as you look at everyone embarrassedly. You see Yoru glare at Jason weirdly but look back at Veronica who was trying to get his attention with weird nicknames like "Love" or "Boo" You scrunched your nose and looked down at your food. "Sunshine! I see your still wearing that necklace I gifted you." You hear Jason say as he grabs the sun necklace that was tied around your neck. You chuckled and looked up at him. "Yea I am! It goes well with most of my outfits as-well." You smile up at him. You could feel the cold gaze of Yoru's eyes that darted up from Veronica.

"Why don't I get a date?! This is so unfair." Neon pouted and crossed her arms. Everyone immediately looks at her and she stares at everyone confused. "What..? Did I do something wrong?" She asks with a hint of worry in her voice. "First of all. Veronica and I have nothing going on. Second of all I know that Y/N isn't in a relationship because she cudd- told me she isn't." Yoru puffs and leans back in his chair while crossing his arms. "What!?" Veronica yells and stands up from her chair quickly. "I thought we were a thing!" She yells at him. "Well sucks to suck. We aren't." Yoru scoffs and smirks smugly while looking at her enraged face. "Whatever. I have Chamber anyway. You probably don't even know who he is." Veronica shouts and storms off. Yoru chuckles softly. "You bet I do darling. Well thats $260 down the drain." He grumbles under his breath. You realize that she was apart of another one of their bets. You look at him as he smirks at you. "What's up Y/N? Why do you look so relieved?" He says while leaning his elbows on the table. You scoff and look at Neon.

"Well. I think we should continue shopping! We still have half the mall to explore." Neon says while standing up and slamming her hands on the table. You all agree and start walking the next part of the building. After a few minutes of exploring you find a cute store that have minifigures of all kind of things. You look around with neon and see the 'Video Game Section' You see a minifigure of F/C (Favorite Character) You pick up the box and admire it before confidently saying "Im buying it."

You four are in the checkout line, Neon checks out first. You walk up to the cashier and place the box on the counter. The cashier scans it and speaks. "that will be $7.00 with tax please." You slightly panic as you pull out a $5 dollar bill. You quickly scavenge through your bag desperately to find the rest of the money. You then feel two figures behind you, Holding out money just for you. "Here, Ill pay for both of us, Y/N" You hear Jason say softly. You turn around and see Yoru shove him slightly. "Take the rest of the money Y/N. And next time be more prepared." Yoru says while placing the money in your hands. "A-Ah thank you, Yoru." You say in embarrassment because the cashier was watching you struggle with 2 ATTRACTIVE men offer to pay for a stupid figurine. You quickly pay and scurry out of the store next to Neon. Neon stares at you while snickering softly at you. "I saw that go down." She says as you hit her playfully.

You guys have fun exploring the rest of the mall yippee!! This is outside of the mall now :-) <<33

You four are standing outside of the mall saying your goodbyes and all. "Y/N I can drive you home with me and Neon" Jason offers to you. Before you answer Yoru interrupts. "Sorry. Im taking Y/N home. Thanks for the offer though." He says angrily. "YORRRUUUU!!!" You hear a familiar voice behind you. You guys turn around to see Veronica running towards Yoru. She quickly jumps onto Yoru, Making him stumble back a bit. "Im sorry for being so rude earlier!! I was angry.. Forgive me?" She says while looking up at Yoru pleadingly. You, Jason, And Neon stand there awkwardly while Veronica fawns and pleads to Yoru. "Oh uhm..Sure I guess.." Yoru mutters.

Beloved. (Female reader X Yoru) (DISCONTINUED.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz