Prologue: A World of Luthor's Design

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Families across the country had gathered for the President's statement on the Mongul attack. A week previously, the alien conqueror had arrived in the city of Metropolis in search of Superman. Mongul could be characterized as someone who loves the thrill of a fight- no matter how many need to die for him to cover his urges. Superman could not fight him alone- so he called in help in the form of his super-friends, the Justice League. The resulting fight destroyed multiple buildings, and while casualties were minimal, thousands were injured and multiple buildings were destroyed in the battle.

The newly elected 47th President of the United States, Lex Luthor, was once a genius technology mogul, and as all billionaires are, decided to aim higher. But Luthor was unwilling to sacrifice the power of his previous position so easily- he was secretly pulling the strings of Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs, all while retaining power over his company Lexcorp, and by proxy Metropolis itself. But something nobody knew about Luthor was that he despised the 'super hero', and there was none he hated more than the blue boy scout, Superman. He would see him destroyed

"Are we recording?" the man asked, his face surrounded by cameras. His bald head shimmered, mixing with the morning sun to cast an "unintentional" halo around his head. He stared purposefully at the camera, a grimace upon his face.

"Now we are," an underpaid cameraman said from behind the lens. Instantaneously, the man's face changed into a grinning smile.

"My fellow Americans," he began, in that commanding yet gentle tone all Presidents took, "I am shocked and saddened at the catastrophe that took place in Metropolis seven days ago. Mongul is an insane dictator- comparable to Hitler or Stalin- but perhaps if the United States army or the National Guard had been let do its job-" he slipped- a change from his gentle tone to an angrier one- but he recollected himself instantly. "-perhaps the destruction could've been... lessened. the Justice League are a threat- they are strong. Strength invites challenge and challenge incites conflict, which then incites death and destruction. As of today, the United States government is hereby outlawing the activities of the Justice League, and a new, government-regulated strike force will take control of their assets- the Justice Society of America!"

It was a bombshell. A nuclear one. A nuclear bombshell the size of Australia. The League had been around for years- he couldn't just do that, could he?

But alas, he could. For he was Lex Luthor, and the world was his corporatocracy.

"The team will debut later today- featuring some old Justice League alumni! Now, as of this week the team will be moved into the Hall of Justice- the League's old base of operations. 

"I expect no resistance."

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