We made it down the stairs pretty quick. I was still holding the guitar case in my other hand that wasn't putting pressure on my shoulder and arm. Ghost had went out a back door. There was a truck  he quickly set me in the passenger seat. Blood was getting everywhere. He got in the driver's seat and sped off. "Price this is ghost. Reapers been shot twice well need a medic." He looked over at me then back at the road. "Ghost this is price we have a medic on stand-by. How copy?" Ghost said something to pirce but I didn't hear it.

We were in a city... there was traffic. We were stuck behind it. Ghost irritated grabbed one of his knifes and a lighter. "This is gonna hurt. Move your shirt."  He quickly looked for an exit hole on both my arm and shoulder, they both had one. He sighed and started to heat up the knife with the lighter. It was starting to turn red he gave me a throwing knife with a wooden handle. "Bite down on this" I did so and without warning he put the knife on my arm closing it. I threw my head back and tightenedmy jaw, I was trying not to scream. "I have to do this 3 more times." I nodded my head. Again he heated up the knife and proceeded to do that 3 more times.

I was on the verge of passing out. He did one last check to see if the bleeding stopped. It did. He took his knife back and put them both away. It was a struggle but I kept my eyes opened, a few tears had ran down my face. He spoke into the mic. "I stopped the bleeding she should be fine for the time being." Price had said something, but I was trying to catch my breath. I looked out the window. Traffic was now flowing. He drove us back to base, where a medic would be on stand-by for me.

- 3 hours latter -

We had just pulled up to base. There was a medic. Ghost got out of the car I did the same but fell to the floor doing so, landing on my knees. My eyes were halfway opened. He put one of my arms around his shoulder and the other held my side. I hadn't slept the hole car ride, ghost wouldn't let me. I was met with the guys inside they put me on the couch. Everyone looked worried, the medic did his thing and patched me up. I had to take my shirt off for the bandaging part so he could do it correctly. The guys were turned around when this happened so they didn't see anything. Once the medic was done he suggested an over-sized hoodie for a day or two. He helped me put one on and the guys turned back around.

I wondered if my tattoo was damaged.. probably not.the medic left and the guys sat on the couch asking me all types of questions. I looked at them tiredly all I could think was food and sleep. "..Food..." was all I could manage to say. Soap got me some water, and price got me a sandwich. I drank and ate it all pretty fast. I laid-back into the couch. The only time I did talk it was a word or two.. I was getting more comfortable around them. "Takk skal du ha.."[thank you..] was all I could say before passing out cold.

I woke up in my room, it was dark. I took notice that the guys were sleeping leaned agents my bed gaz and price on the left, and soap and ghost on the right. I looked at the clock that was in my room. 3am... im going back to sleep. I tried doing so but it didn't work. This always happens I sighed to myself. I was going to get up and out of bed but my shoulder was killing me. I realized that when I tried to get up, my body froze witch led me to fall back onto my bed. Nobody woke up. Good.

I sat there awake for hours, I didn't move because of my arm. I look at my clock 6:15. Price was the first to wake up. I was somewhat already sat up. He looked at me a bit shocked that I was awake. I looked at him and waved "how are you feeling?" I nodded my head and gave a small thumbs up. I didn't feel like speaking. He thought to himself for a moment "do you want to be alone?" I shook my head I didn't mind the company. He nodded his head and pulled a chair over. "Ya'know the boys were really worried about you. Especially soap and ghost. Though ghost will swear to hell and back that he wasn't, but I could see it in his eyes. " that put a small smile on my face. "Gaz is a bit of a stress eater so he's been eating more while you were sleeping." I wanted to know how he felt so I pointed to him, he looked confused "me?" I nodded my head. A small smile on his face "yeah I was worried about you to kid." He ruffled my hair. "Soap didn't leave your side when you passed out. He said something bad would happenif he left.. so he's been in the room with you the hole time." That made me smile I lightly patted his head. Price chuckled and looked around.

"Got any cards?" I thought for a minuet and shrugged. "I'll go get some." I nodded my head and he left to go get cards.  Once he got back, he made some space on my night stand so we could play. "Do you know how to play?" I shook my head. He smiled "want me to explain it to you?" I nodded.

After he was done explaining the game, we did a practice round then a real round. I was somehow winning without really knowing how to play. He put his cards down "are you sure you haven't played this game before?" I nodded my head, he sighed. "whatever you say kid" I smiled a bit. Gaz was awake watching us play "you played the same way when you showed me how.. you went easy on her." Price jumped a bit from gaz talking. "A warning next time gaz" he chuckled "sorry sir." Price huffed "and no I did not. I didn't even teach you how to play, you said you already knew" gaz rolled his eyes. "That's what you like to think" they had a tiny argument on the subject, soap was waking up. He looked at the two that were talking then at me. His face lit up when he saw I was awake.

"Your up? How are you feeling? Are you ok? Do ya need anythin? " this made me chuckle he had a golden retriever personality. I gave him a thumbs up. He sighed and saw price and gaz were up. His smile got bigger when he looked back at me. "I drew you something" I tilted my head at him. He handed me a piece of paper. It was a picture of me with some small doodles of the team, and some funny little comics. I smiled. "Do ya like it?" I nodded and patted his head. His smile got brighter. I looked for my notepad. And I was handed one by gaz.

' thank you for the picture, it is very good. I'll hang it up later when I get to walking.' I showed soap the notepad and he nodded "no problem reaper"  price and gaz got up, then did soap. They all left to go do stuff. Ghost was still sleeping, he looked like he needed it. So I let him be. He was asleep for the hole day, he probably doesn't get much sleep.

I was given a book by gaz, so I read it for the day. I was being checked in on either once and hour or every other hour. It was nice to be left alone for the day, and have the sleeping company on your floor. I was reading Alice in wonderland.  I was given water and some food around 5ish. I ate and threw out the day I was sent memes by soap and gaz while price sent me dad jokes, both making me laugh. I took small naps within the day.

I had woken up from a nap I had just taken, ghost was still asleep. I looked at the clock it was 10:30. He was dead to the world at the moment. I sighed and turnd on the lamp that was on my left so the light didn't hit his face and wake him up. He was sleeping on the right of my bed. I continued to read the book I was given. After about an hour of reading ghost woke up. I looked from my book to see him looking around. He looked at me and I looked at him. I gave him a small smile and wave.

"Where's everyone else?" I pointed to the door. He nodded his head "how long was I out for?" He looked at me. I talked soft and low. "The entire day" he nodded his head again. He stood up and walked to the door. "Goodnight " he was about to leave but I threw my notebook at him. He looked at me with his dull eyes. "What?" I huffed "thank you for saving me skytsengel, it's much appreciated" he nodded his head picked up my notepad and tossed it back to me. "Goodnight reaper" I smiled at him. "Goodnight skytsengel" he looked a bit confused but he shut the door behind him. I assumed he went to his room.

And that was the first time I called ghost skytsengel. There were multiple times he asked me what it ment but I always change the subject, and he ends up dropping it. But I think it bugs him that he doesn't know what I'm calling him deep down.. it's kinda funny when I think about it.

He's nice for the most part... but he's hard to explain... hell be very nice and caring one day then the other its like he's a different person, he pushes people away and doesn't involve himself.  I don't blame him for that last part, but it's like he's two different people and he's trying to hide one. It gets very confusing to read him sometimes. But I'll be patient like everyone else is with me... we both just need time.

[ hey simps, thank you so much for 1.88k in just a week this is crazy. Just yesterday it was 1.11k then in an hour it was 1.14k. All of you are amazing, I thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this special chapter I made for the 1.88k reads. I love all of my simps. Thank you again <3]

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