Hiruma Keigo (with an alternate Y/N)

Start from the beginning

When she passed him, she start calling iut the name "Muu" again. Keigo watch her until he can't hear her voice again.

Keigo then closes his eyes again, tryign to shoo the pain of having the girl he likes taken by someone else. He really wishes that his childhood friend will be happy.

■Keigo's POV■

I look up and sees that it's getting even darker, the sky will turn black in no time.

Keigo: okay, enough with the feeling down moment...

I get up from the bench and head to walk out of the park. Just when I almost reach the exit, I hear a familiar voice.

???: Muu... p-please don't move or we will fall...

I look to one of the trees in the corner of the park. I look up to see a girl holding onto the tree. She brought a bag on her shoulder with

A cat?

It's the girl from earlier and she has a cat in the bag on her shoulder. I think she's trying to climb down.

Was the cat in the tree branches? That's why she's there after picking it up?

I look around and there's no other people in here. She looks frightened doesn't move from where she holds on.

I decided to walk closer

Keigo: hey, do you need help?

The girl can't seems to look back but she did hear me.

???: ah I'm so sorry... if you're not busy uh can you please catch my cat... um I'll loosen the strap from my shoulder....

Keigo: kay

I walk closer and just when I'm under the tree, I realize that she wears a dress that reach her knees. The moment I see a glimpse of her thighs I look away.

???: um are you ready? Can I let Muu down now?

Keigo: a-ah yes give it to me...

There's no way I'm gonna let a girl know that I've just accidentally look at her thighs.

The girl slowly loosen the straps of her bags from her shoulder down to her elbow. It's actually not that high, that's why I can reach it right away. But if she jumps from that height she'll definitely sprain her foot, so she needs to climbs lower before she can jump down.

I look at the cat inside the bag, his face looks kind of smug.

Keigo: sorry, I can't have you run away after your owner caught you... so I have to fasten the bag....

???: i-it's okay, it's a pet carrier actually... the bag has ventilation on each side.

I look at the bag and just realize it does has ventilation and a little see through part so I can see the cat's smug face. I zip the bag and put the cat down.

Keigo: do you need help?

Y/N: I uh... it's okay, um I'll climb down slowly...

Keigo: careful...

I watch as this girl moves slowly, very slowly.

She looks like a sloth

I take a step back so even though I'm right under the tree i can't see under her skirt but can still watch as she climbs down.

Just then the wind being a jerk and blows rather hard. It makes her skirt lifts.


Keigo: I-I'm not! Oi careful!

She's a littlw panic and probably embarased because of earlier and I can see that she becomes unsteady. One of her grip loosen and she feel backward

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