Start Of Classes

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Due to how many classes they had, all the student' bags were stuffed with plenty of books and supplies. Too much that, without magic, none of it would fit comfortably. Keigo had a sling backpack that went between his wings while the others had backpacks or messenger bags.

They were very heavy, and Keigo was small, the shortest of his dorm mates. Even the girls were all taller. He wondered if he'd get bullied for that, too. Dabi was at least four inches taller than him. Even Ron, Harry and Neville were.

Breakfast was, again, very intimidating. Ron stuffed his face and asked why Keigo seemed so bothered by it. He started to serve himself some eggs, bacon and toast, all which stayed as warm as they were when first cooked, and said, "I've never been in front of this much food. Or this kind. It's always been protein and fruits and vegetables."

"Have you ever had fried food?" Keigo shook his head. "Man, that must have been boring."

"I didn't know anything else," Keigo admitted.

Harry said, "I didn't have a lot of food either. Everyone always got theirs first and I had the scraps."

"I've only ever really been fed meat. Full dragons are carnivores, but the variety is awesome," Dabi stated. Ron looked awkward, seeming to be the only one who ate like "normal" people. But the three didn't say anything about the differences. Keigo ate until he was full, which didn't even finish his plate. "Maybe you also can't eat a lot since you're small. No offense, smaller people eat less."

Keigo shrugged. That may be part of it, he wasn't sure. "Or maybe you're small because you weren't fed a lot," Ron offered, which also could be true. Once the meal was finished, the table cleared, and the boys headed to their first class. The three but Ron were treated differently. They got stares and whispers.

Dabi and Keigo got the most stares while the students whispered the most about Harry. He really did seem like a popular person, but not in a good way. Even though he was the reason Voldemort was gone, he was treated like an outcast. It was probably confusing because he didn't even know about that until recently.

Keigo felt bad for him and hoped people got used to him soon, just like he wanted for himself and Dabi. They came across a cat wandering around, but the moment she smelled or spotted Dabi, she made a bolt for it. Keigo saw Dabi's pupils dilate, and wondered if he had the urge to chase her. But he didn't and there was no other sign that he felt anything different.

The ghost Harry and Ron told them was Peeves kept trying to point students in the wrong direction, but the four weren't stupid and always went the opposite way he said. After all, it was in a hallway, so there were only two choices. "Oh, the monsters this school year! Bahaha!" Dabi growled and flipped him off and he laughed and flew away.

He grumbled under his breath about stupid ghosts, that they were freaks, too. "You're not a freak," Harry said in a surprisingly firm voice. Dabi didn't respond, didn't smile, but looked down. "You're different, but I don't think that makes you guys freaks," he added. Keigo was grateful they had some fully human allies.

Charms was the first class of the day, and the teacher was a small man, maybe part goblin. Their first lesson involved talking about the dangers of working with spells and to be careful with how you pronounced them. Keigo started to worry over not being able to say them. So he decided to try and mouth the spells, hoping the room was too loud for anyone to tell he didn't actually say anything.

Their first charm was levitation. He pretended not to know it right away, but Dabi saw right through it. "Why are you faking?" he asked quietly.

"I don't want to stand out."

"What if it's a good way of standing out? People might ask you for help, if you help him you'll come across as a good guy." It was a good point. So, he did so, and mouthed the words. He lifted the feather extremely easily, and moved it around a bit. Flitwick praised him loudly, giving points to Gryffindor. It was a fantastic feeling, filling him with warmth. If he had that feeling every time he succeeded and helped their House, he'd do his best at everything.

Don't Forget Where You Came From, Don't Fear Where You're Goingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें