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(   TRUE  

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(   TRUE   .   CRIME.   )

the chatter of all the other students filled the addams twins ears, their strides in sync and powerful. the two kept their heads up, their dark beady eyes staring ahead of themselves as their peers moved out of their way, forming a path for them to walk through.

orpheus made sure to keep his chin up, not looking directly at anyone as him and wednesday continued walking at a fast pace. they turned a corner and orpheus immediately spotted their younger brothers locker.

the red locker was filled with obscene writing, all from their peers, who seemed to dislike the addams kids. with a barely audible sigh, wednesday reached out to open the locker, swiftly moving out of the way fast enough for pugsley to fall out and onto the floor and not on her.

pugsley, their younger brother, stared up at his two older siblings, eyes wide. orpheus stared back down at him, feeling pity for his brother. a rope was tied around him to keep him in place and an apple was stuffed into his mouth to work as a gag.

wednesday knelt down and took the apple out of pugsley's mouth as orpheus knelt beside her, a frown on his face as he looked around, wondering who had done this.

"i want names" wednesday demanded. " i don't know who they were, honest. it happened so fast" pugsley said, his voice wavering.

"pugsley, emotion equals weakness" wednesday tutted in disappointment. "pull yourself together" orpheus added as he began to work on untying the ropes. wednesday followed suit, and as soon as her hands made contact with the ropes, both her and orpheus' heads were thrown back.

their eyes glossed over and stared at nothing as the events from earlier replayed in their minds. "you scared, kid?" a group of jocks laughed at pugsley and shoved him into his own locker.

the fear was evident in his eyes as his screams came out muffled around the apple. the jocks only laughed and taunted him as they slammed the locker shut, before turning and beginning to walk away as the bell rang.  

wednesday and orpheus were brought back, an exhale leaving their lips as they stared down at pugsley. "you guys okay?" he asked, the concern visible on both his face and voice.

"leave this to us" the twins spoke in sync, as orpheus patted pugsley's chest, a small smirk on his face.

"wednesday? orpheus? what are you guys gonna do?" pugsley asked, eyes wide in concern. "what we do best" wednesday muttered, before the two began walking away, once again in sync.

'you thinking what im thinking?' wednesday asked, her voice bouncing around orpheus' head. 'if you're thinking piranhas, then absolutely.' orpheus let a small smirk slip onto his face, sending wednesday a look as they fastened their pace. 'perfect' she smirked back.

to answer a question, yes, wednesday and orpheus can communicate telepathically because i just love the idea of twins doing that and they basically have the same ability.
not putting much work into orpheus (which i feel bad for) but to be fair, this story is purely for fun and so that i can get a bit of inspiration to pick up my other stories again :)

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