24: Guess it's goodbye

Start from the beginning

We go down to the lobby and I see a girl with light blonde hair and blue eyes, looking like a girl version of Walker.

She looks up from her phone and smiles at the four of us.
"Ah look who it is." She says messing with Walkers hair.
"Leena stop." He says swatting her hand away.
She laughs slightly.

"You are Emma and Ryan of course if I'm not mistaken." She says shaking their hands.
"Yup." Ryan says.
"And you have to be the famous Y/n Evans my little brother always talks about huh?" She smiles sweetly at me.
"That's me." I laugh.

Walker face turns red quickly and everyone notices.
"Oh don't worry Walker I'm only joking, it's definitely not like you wrote paragraphs about Y/n and sent them to me the whole time you guys were filming!" She smirks.
"Alright Leena you know that's enough!" Walker says putting his hand over her mouth.

Ryan starts laughing like crazy
"Ha I knew it." Ryan says.

I just stand there awkwardly trying not to laugh.
"Oh our car says it will be here in about 5 minutes."

My smile drops immediately.
"I really don't want to leaveeeee." I beg.
"I know, I know, but we will be back in like what 2 months for the premiere!" Emma says trying to lighten the room.

"Yeah true." I say.
"I'm gonna miss you all though." I say first giving Ryan a hug.
"Oh we are going hugs now I see." He laughs.
"Don't make me regret it Reynolds." I say.
I then turn to Walker and give him a tight hug we stood like that for a moment and I whispered to him, "make sure you text me ok?" I say.
"Of course, I'll miss you." He whispers back.
"I'll miss you too." I whispered.

"Alright, alright you guys." Ryan says.
Emma hit his arm like usual.
Emma gave her round of hugs.

I stood by Leena and said "it was great meeting you, ya know." I smile.
"Yeah same, i hope I can see you soon!" She says
"Same." I grin.

She gave me her number as well which was sweet.
Me and Emma's car pulled up.

I took a deep breath and put our bags in the back of the car trunk.

I wave to all of them as I get in the car.
I look at Walker through the window and see a smile on his face, he was playing with his hands and I quickly noticed the matching bracelet we both made on his wrist.

The driver starts driving and I smile to myself.

~ Around 30 minutes later ~

After I went through security and all that I was about to head to my gate and same with Emma.
I give her a tight hug and she places a kiss on the top of my head.
"I'm gonna miss you soooo much Emma." I say pulling away.
"I'll miss you even more!" She says tearing up.
"Oh and I have something for you!" She says.

She pulls a stack of  photos from her bag.
I look through a few of them quickly.
They were photos from our time on set.
"Aw thanks em." I smile.
"Of course, now get a move on I don't want you to miss your flight!" She wipes her eyes.

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