24: Guess it's goodbye

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Y/n POV:

I wake up feeling a set of arms around my waist.
All the memories flooding back from last night.
I smile as I remember what happened.

I could tell Walker was still asleep, I glance at the clock and it read 4:26 am.
I had about two hours before I had to be at the airport.

I move my body slowly trying to get out of Walkers grip.
He pulls me closer to him like a stuffed animal, I turn my body over facing him.
"Walker I have to get up and pack." I say whisper.
"Noooooo we have to leave today?" He says eyes still closed.

I move some pieces of hair out of his face.
"Sadly yes." I say.
I sit up and he finally opens his eyes, I think he remembered everything last night cause an immediate blush appears on his face.

I got out of bed and grabbed my blanket, folding it up.
"I should probably pack my things as well."  Walker says.
"Yeah probably." I say back
This is kinda awkward not gonna lie.

He got off the bed as well and pulled out his suitcase from the closet.
I folded all my clothes and put them nicely in my bag.

I got dressed in the bathroom and only put some blush and lip gloss on.
Once everything was packed and set by the door I heard a buzz from my phone.

It was a text from Ryan to our group chat.


Ryan: Make sure you kids are ready to go, Y/n you need to be at the airport in about an hour.
Walker make sure your stuff is also packed cause Leena will be picking you up in about an hour and a half.

Y/n: Yup I got everything all ready.

Walker: Same here.

Ryan: Alright good, come to our room soon here.

Y/n: got it.


I shut off my phone.
"You know I wish you lived in California." Walker says.
"Yeah same, we could actually see each other then." I responded.
"Exactly, my family moved out here about a year ago to focus on my acting and I'm glad we did. Mostly everything is filmed and auditioned in LA, so we only have to drive a bit to get to LA." He says.
"Yeah true." I agree.

"By the way who is Leena?" I ask
"Oh she is my sister, she would love you." Walker adds.
"Ooo I hope I get to meet her before I leave then." I say hopefully.
"Yeah she will probably expose the hell out of me." He laughs.

We hear a knock on the door, most likely being Emma or Ryan.
I get up and open it.

"Got everything ready?" Emma says.
"Yeah." I say.
"Perfect we have about 20 mins before we have to be at the airport."
"Ok then." I say looking back at Walkers sad face.

We all pull out our bags from the room and go down to Ryan and Emma's room.

Once we open the doors and set the suitcases down Ryan says
"You guys excited to go home?"
"No." Me and Walker both say at the same time.
"Oh you'll be fine." Ryan says
We sit down and watch TV for about 5 minutes.

"Alright we should go down to the Lobby, our car will be here soon Y/n, and Leena is coming for Walker."
I smile.

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