Our First Eye Contact +Telling To River(#1)

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Heyyyyyyy, so I am making sure to put a cliffhanger kinda thingie on each chapter :3

Keep in mind I might get a little obsessive and possessive here and there so yeah.


After more than 2 months of just admiring and -stalking- :-

I was in bus, on a Thursday, excited cause I'm going to admire him a little more again!! Near the school, I looked out of the window, bored and impatient. Bus stuck in traffic and I just couldn't wait to get in. 

 And just then, I made an eye contact with him. He was looking at me, I was looking at him. Finally, after months of staring, he noticed me! But I suddenly stared to develop a hate towards him.. Everything was fine when I just admired him but now, he noticed me! I can't admire him without him noticing me! 

Despite the anger, I was happy, we finally get to talk. I wasn't sure what to feel, happiness or anger...

Timeskip to music period:-

I seated myself, near (but not so near) him. I didn't wanted him to notice me, I didn't wanted to look like a creep! But his smile, the way he looked at things... I was oh so in love. Well wrong decision, he stared at me the whole time! I never stared! Not fair! But I felt so uncomfy, I made sure I don't stare but glance so he doesn't gets uncomfy.

I started to hate him much more...


A few weeks later:-

Another Thursday, another P.E class! Tbh its the only reason why I come to school on Thursdays these days. But not that day, it was some sort of function for the first grade students and guess what? My younger sib is a first grader. The function took place in the auditorium which is on our floor. 

So from the H section to J section, all the sections in between came down for P.E. We were standing there, it was so fucking hot and we were standing in sunshine, no where near the shadows of the beautiful trees. H section was beside us, it always is, don't know why tbh. 

So the sport teachers just stood there and talked to each other while we were being roasted in sunshine. Then after a whole 30 mins, after the first graders dispersed to their homes after the function, they told us to go back to our class, cause no P.E that day. AMAZING. 

We were all angry, we wanted to scream BUT we didn't. Cause common who the hell is going to listen to middle-schooler's rants. As we were going, I saw HIM, let's call him D cause his name starts from that letter. My bestie was beside me, cussing at the teachers, I wanted to join too but nope. 

I literally grabbed Rivi and asked him, "Bro look at that guy(D), isn't he cute?" Rivi looked at me, totally disappointed "He looks like a fucking bitch." he said. And we went to class and I was telling him how cute I find him THE WHOLE TIME.

Finally, I stopped and said "He comes to the same music class as me and I have been admiring him for a little too long-" Mf started laughing. I cried and died. 

Well... what is his name?

-To Be Continued 


-Felix, a weird middle child who finds many people cute.

~Have a nice day!!




Sorry for the tags :P


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