Continuing of chapter 5

Comenzar desde el principio

"...what the fuck man.. and STOP LAUGHING ITS NOT MY FAULT! EVEN KEAYA PLAYED ALONG!" childe continued yelling

"YEAH OFCOURSE HE DID! Keaya is such a mischievous and annoying guy!" I said calming down from laughter

"WOOO I haven't had a good laugh like that in a while, come on ginger let's get to class!" I said

Childe stood there embarrassed as I grabbed him by the collar and pulled it to make him walk with me

~fast forward to lunch~
(Yes I'm gonna keep fast warding to lunch deal with it-)

Childe pov:

It was lunch time, I sat where dottore signora and keaya we're. I sat down next to keaya and we all started chatting, till we heard scaramouche and we all looked his way

"Mouchieee!!" Signora waved


We noticed scaramouche stop in his tracks he glared at keaya which made him back up a little

"What a cold glare dear scaramouche. What have I done to make you take such a rivalry for me?" Keaya said in his calm voice

"Stop it with your fancy words fuckass. I'm leaving, and thanks for saving my usual spot bitches" Scaramouche said sarcastically before storming off fell silent between all of us

"What is up with him.." dottore said looking at signora who had a sad worried face

"I know mouchie is short tempered but I didn't expect to be like this..he would usually drag us with him but..." Signora spoke out

"I also feel guilty .. he's right we didn't his spot either" Signora said looking down

"Oh well is it that important?" Keaya said

"Excuse me?" Dottore shot out

"Is your scaramouche more important? He's just a cold little boy, don't you think I'm more fitting for the group?" Keaya said smirking

"What the fuck are you saying keaya!?" I yelled turning my head to him

"Yeah! He's been my and dottores friend since 3rd grade! Do you seriously think we would give him up that easily!?" Signora got up from her seat and yelled at keaya

"I notice him always flipping you guys off and saying mean things, how could be friends with someone oh so rude?" Keaya exclaimed

" know NOTHING. about scaras personality and what he's been through. He has his reasons and is a good friend. We aren't sensitive either. " I said deeping my tone

"Brrr..what a cold tone ajax."

"Get out" dottore said

"Fine then. I'll take my leave,," keaya said as he got up and patted his clothes and walked away


Dottore pinched the bridge of his nose "where are we gonna find scara now?"

"I'll go look for him. You both can stay here" I said getting up

"Seriously? We have to come too!" Signora shot out

"Please sig, let me go" ....

" as you please" Signora said as dottore moved closer and wrapped his hand around her shoulder

"Thank you."

I looked around the school frantically not caring that the bell has rang, when I went outside school i saw scara laying there, his head on his knees, he wasn't crying he was just..

"Scara.." I sat down next to him

"..." scara didn't say anything but tilted his head a little to reveal his eye

"Are you okay? .. we are so sorry for casting you out like that, has keaya done something to you?" I asked moving closer

" and keaya never really got along ,,, and I hate to admit this but I was jealous." Scara said turning his head away

"I was jealous seeing you especially you, and my friends with keaya. I don't know why it suddenly made me feel bad on the inside." Scara said getting up and so did I

"Ajax, will you always be there for me?" Scara said grabbing me by the collar

It fell silent, I noticed how scara blushed and started shaking slightly

"Haha..what a gatekeeper, your so cute scara" I said placing his hair behind his ear

"Sh-shut up.." Scara said letting go of my collar

No ones pov:

Scaramouche was hesitant, after a few seconds he held childes hand. He didn't say anything he just held it and looked away

Childe smiled at this, he sat down which made him pull scaramouche along down with him

They both sat down on the floor and didn't bother going to class, they just watched the scenery outside quietly holding hands, then never wanted this to end

Words: 1384

Hellloo!! Another short chapter😔, sorry if this was kinda dramatic lol
Hello again! If you noticed..I changed up the chapter a little bit, unfortunately.  I removed the kiss, after a long time of thinking about it I felt like a kiss right now didn't feel right. It was too early and if they kissed and started dating now I feel like there wouldn't be much to do and I'll run out of ideas. So I will delay the kiss for a bit longer but will keep up with the chiscara hopefully. I hope you understand

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖..(ᴄʜɪsᴄᴀʀᴀ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora