The group rolled their eyes at those two words. Now to make it clear the group hated rich, pureblood suprematist who thought they were better than everyone else so they've kinda always hated her parents but now that they've heard stories about the pair from Eva, they hated them even more which almost seemed impossible.

"Of fucking course it's the supremacist's fault," Sirius threw up his hands and then let it hit the table before Remus smacked him on his arm and gave him a look. Sirius let out a silent grumble before he brought back his attention to Eva.

"They said that it didn't fit the image they wanted," she made air quotes with her fingers. "So they made me stop wearing it,"

"Do you still need them?" Remus asked.

"No. After I complained about not being able to see, they took me to some sketchy healer that made me have somewhat of a good eyesight,"

The group fell silent.

James wanted to say something. He really did, but he didn't. He simply had nothing to say. The boy was baffled. He reached his hand over the table and held it gently. If there was one word to describe James Potter, it would be comforting. James was a very comforting person. He always brought solace to everyone he loves.

"Well, at least you don't look like an idiot like four eyes over there," Sirius smiled innocently, nodding to James.

"Bitch," James rolled his eyes while throwing a scone at him.

"Do you know I've never been photographed outside of these family portraits," Eva laughed. "Imagine if I die and these are the only pictures of me," her eyes widened.

"We're not gonna let that happen. Trust me," James smiled at her.

"Promise?" she held out her pinky.

"I promise," he locked his pinky against hers.

♡ ♡ ♡

Evelyn wanted her life to be perfect. To have the perfect friends, perfect parents, perfect boyfriend, perfect looks, perfect hobby, perfect everything. When people think of perfect they think of it as having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it can possible be. Eva had planned out her life down to the littlest detail. However, that's not how life works. It sucks to say but you cannot control every detail of your life. That's just the way life works. No matter how unfair it is, your life cannot be perfect. Eva learned that at a very young age. First when she was five and her mom yelled at her for not wearing a suitable dress to a family party. Next when she was thirteen and her crush made fun of her for being a Slytherin. The other time was when she found Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa black on top of each other. The most recent of times she felt that life was unfair is right now.

There she sat in her potions class, staring at two people beside her. The infamous James Potter and Lily Evans. Slughorn had appointed them partners the last month because of James failing and lily being smart enough to tutor him. Which resulted in the obvious flirting from James and the yelling of Lily. Evelyn knew Lily didn't like James at all, but she couldn't help but be jealous. Jealous that James would always be in love with Lily. She also knew that lily couldn't say no forever and would eventually let go of whatever stubbornness she had built up in the last years. So when she saw Lily laughing at whatever James said, her heart dropped. She swallowed the lump in her throat, turning her head away front the scene and focusing on her surroundings.

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