CHAPTER 2 | Day 1 Part 2

Start from the beginning

Why does Sketch even need a censor bar, anyway?

"Yeah, we will. Hopefully we can find diamonds tomorrow, that would be cool."

"If we're lucky! Those new caves seem scary."

"...New caves?"

"Didn't you hear? There's a whole new thing down there - it's so powerful, it can kill someone with one hit! In full armour!"

"...Lovely!" Maybe they won't be looking for diamonds so soon. They'll need enchantments to deal with that thing. Which they need diamonds for. It's a loop they can't break into.

"The warden? Don't worry, that's super deep. It'll be fine." Denis says, shrugging and walking over to the two.

"We can kill it together, can't we? Cause we're so cool and epic, right?" Albert jumps in, stroking his chin.

"Oh, absolutely." Kreek winks, keeping his confident mask up.

"Hell yeah! We're the best team!!" Sketch yells, putting his hand flat in between the four of them. "Sketch, Denis, Kreek and Albert!"

Denis puts his hand on top of Sketch's, and Albert puts his on top of Denis's. Kreek doesn't hesitate to put his hand on last.

"3, 2, 1..."

They raise it in sync, smiles all around.

"BROMANCE BROS FOREVER!!" Albert yells, beaming. That earns him a horrified look from Kreek.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Denis asks, incredulous.

"Bromance Bros! Cause we're such bros ;)"

"How did you do that with your mouth-"

It's then Kreek notices the pings from his pocket, and he pulls out his communicator.


"Leah, that's a dirt hut."

"I like it!"

Sanna wishes there was a recording function on these 'communicators' they have, because she would absolutely be recording Ashley and Leah right now.

Admittedly, they've had a bad start. They should've stolen someone like Denis for their group, rather than deciding to wing it - they've only just gotten stone tools, and she already ran away screaming from a zombie in a cave, before she realised she could just stab it with her sword. It would've been much more of a help if they actually knew what they were doing.

But they're figuring it out, and that's the important thing.

And they have a home now! Even if it's...a dirt hut Leah made in 5 minutes.

It's in the middle of the plains, with a forest nearby. So they have resources to build on later. She spotted a river, and a small desert's edge too. But she hasn't explored it yet. They've lit up their area, and they're at least trying to make things presentable. 

"Look, guys, I saw Kreek killing sheep for wool, apparently it was for

beds or something? We should do that, ASAP." Ashley states, trying to be the leader of this dysfunctional group.

"Yes, because the beds will prevent a zombie from kicking me in the ass tonight." Sanna jokes.

"We'll be needing sleep!" Ashley's getting pretty indignant, so Sanna decides to listen to her.

"Okay, but you're gonna have to kill the sheep. They're so cute, I don't want to hurt them!"

"I think there's shears that we can get? That way we don't have to kill them." Leah mentions.

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