𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟑𝟑

Start from the beginning

jah held a look of shock on his face, sure he had a tainted relationship with his dad and he could definitely agree with that last part she said but it just surprised him that she had been without her dad for so long

"nah i definitely feel that, but not gonna lie that explains a lot about the way you act. especially how you like to be babied, you like that shit cus you didn't have it growing up. you're like me but with my mom. i seek certain things out in you that she couldn't give me. like your time and attention, that's why ion like when we go out and you stay glued to your phone without even acknowledging me. shit feels like growing up without my moms attention all over again" he said to her

"damn, guess we got more in common that i thought" she replied with a small smile and he nodded and returned the same smile

"yea we do but just know imma be here for you if you gon be here for me, but no more secrets ight? you not feeling right, come to me or your best friends but don't pull no more shit like that. we need you here ma, shit wouldn't ever be the same without you katana" jah told her and she nodded

"i hear you and imma work on that, but i need you to also just let me be sometimes. i know you love me jah, but sometimes i just need to be alone with my thoughts so i can sit in them and understand them. while it may hurt me, it can also do me some good to learn why i feel like that by allowing them to fully consume me" she said as she pushed a piece of her hair out of her face

jah bit his lip out of nervousness of letting her do that "if i promise to let you do that, you gotta promise me to not pull this shit again. deal?" he asked and she nodded as she held out her manicured pinkie

he laughed at this before interlocking his with hers. "you pinkie promised, so you can't break it" he told her and she nodded as a smile spread across her face

she pulled her pinkie away from his and grabbed his hand, interlocking his finger with his "can we finish what we started earlier" she said sweetly and he laughed

"ion know, you not bouta cry bout nun again right?" he asked jokingly and she rolled her eyes and laughed "nah i'm good now" she replied and he shrugged before flipping them over so he was on top of her

"then shit ion see why not" he said before leaning down and kissing her, she wrapped her arms around his neck as one of his hands found it's way around her throat, lightly choking her. in which she moaned in response

jah took this moment to slide his tongue in her mouth as he reached under her hoodie, she shivered at his touch before pulling away from the kiss "papa your hands cold as fuck" she said and he laughed "my bad baby" he replied before lifting her hoodie up as he traced along her tattoo

"when you get this?" he asked as he continued tracing the numbers "333" that went down the side of her torso

"3 days after i came back, before brit left to LA we went out so she could get her snake eyes and i decided to get it on impulse" she replied and he nodded before helping her take her hoodie off fully. he stared at her which made her cross her arms over he chest in embarrassment 

even though she still had her bralette on, she still felt like he was judging her. he moved her arms away from her chest and pinned them above her head "quit doing that shit, you know i like looking at you" he told her assertively and she bit her lip as she nodded

he used one hand to keep her arms pinned as he used his other to unclip her bralette which clipped in the front luckily for him

he watched as it fell to either side of her and how her exposed tits bounced out of it, just as he leaned down to kiss on her, her phone rang

"oh you have to be fucking KIDDING ME!" she said irritated and jah laughed at this "your friends have shit timing" he told her and she nodded as she reached over and grabbed her phone. it wasn't her friends, it was her mom so she told jah she would be right back

jah got off of her as she clamped her bralette back together and walked out of the room to take the call. while she was gone he looked around her room and found her journal, he chuckled at the fact that it was pink and furry and she a pink pen with a puffball on it that she wrote in it with

he laid back on her bed as he flipped through it, he saw a couple half finished sketches, journal entries, even some songs but the page that caught his attention the most was a page titled "sober"

he read it and realized it was a song, as he looked at it he started to put the pieces together of what some of her journal entries were truly about

just as he had finished reading the page, kat walked back in "my bad, ma dukes was just making sure i was okay and was asking if i was at the hous-" she started before realizing her journal was in jah's hands

she rushed over to her bed and snatched it from him "uhm invasion of privacy much?" she said sarcastically and he raised his eyebrow

"oh so it's okay when you do it but not when i do it?" he questioned and she nodded which made him roll his eyes

"how much did you read?" she asked nervously and he looked at her "up the to the song you wrote titled sober" he replied and she gulped

"well, uhm, uh, if you have any questions about any of the shit in here don't ask them. 9 times outta 10 i'm gonna cry talking about it" she told him honestly and he nodded respecting that

"wasn't going to ask, it's your business princess but if you ever wanna talk about any of the stuff in there i'm here when you're ready" he told her honestly and she smiled as she cuddled up to him

"wanna watch saiki k?" she asked and he nodded as she turned her tv on and went to netflix, she put on the 1st season as she snuggled into his chest

he put her hello kitty heated blanket over them as they binged the show for the rest of the day

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