"It's been two days and you still cannot achieve to any results.", Aegon hissed. "Or maybe you don't want to achieve any results."

Gerardys seemed very offended but Rhaenyra took a deep breath from the corner. "Maester Gerardys is the best in his job, Aegon. You don't need to worry."


"We will not summon another Maester.", she said with closed eyes.

Maester sent him a look and started to pack his things. She was laying on her bed with her wavy hair long and not tied, she was wearing a white silk nightgown and she never looked more peaceful in her entire life.

Aegon was sitting on the bed, wearing the same black pants and tunic from two days ago, holding her hand. His eyes were filled with blood and tears because of the lack of sleep. Rhaenyra was leaning against the wall with her black gown, Aemond was on the balcony, trying to calm himself down while watching the sea and Daeron was frantically walking up and down in the other room.

"The tourney for the Rogares will be held tomorrow, we all expect your attendance.", Rhaenyra said. "This is very important for me, Daemon and Jace, we would be very happy to see you there."

"She is your sister.", Aegon gritted his teeth. "And she is dying."

"She'll be fine-"

"She is also a mother, just like you.", he raised his head and looked directly into her eyes. "The twins are asking her, Maelor can feel her absence, she is dying and will leave three children behind her. Don't you have a heart in there?"


"You are with the child yourself!", he let go of her hand delicately and got up frantically. "You have five of them already and the sixth one will come soon, just imagine what will happen to those poor boys if you die!"

"Suggesting and discussing the monarch's death is high treason.", Daemon entered the room.

Rhaenyra looked at him with yearning. It's been two days, yes but Daemon was away longer. Neither forgot their last argument and neither would forget it in soon.

"What would you have me do Aegon? Maester Gerardys is doing his best."

"Maester Gerardys is insufficient everyone from Dorne to the Wall knows that.", he said, ignoring Daemon. "But Maester Orwyle-"

"Hah!", Daemon let out a laugh and entered the room completely with a half-open mouth and a shaking head. "This was all your plan then."

"What are you talking about Daemon?", Rhaenyra frowned.

"Maester Orwyle is a green sympathizer-"

"He is a Maester.", Aegon said with disbelief.

"He thinks with his little brain, trying to use your weak nature to let go of him. It's a plot."

"My sister is dying!", Aegon yelled. "I do not have time for plots."

"So you do admit when you don't have other jobs you plot against the crown?", Daemon held his sword's hilt and took a step towards him.

"You are a sick man.", Aegon whispered. "I just want her to wake up."

"You hated her and made her life miserable."

"Not everyone enjoys incest like you, it seems.", Aemond entered the room. He and Daemon looked at each other. The way he examined Illythia was a move to get to know her, an opponent. But the way he examined Daemon was like looking at his archnemesis. They both knew one day they would come face to face and only one could live. Aemond intended that person to be him. "Nevertheless, she is our sister and a princess."

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