Part 1: Chapter 20: This is my Jam

Start from the beginning

He was a tall, plump blue frog with round eyes, two large buck teeth, pink cheeks, and a light blue underbelly. He had bright red bushy hair that was mostly covered by a dark brown top hat with a maroon band around it, along with a patch. For clothes, Barry wore a plum purple dress-coat with a yellow bow-tie, striped pink pants, and black dress-shoes.

Barry was knocked to the ground as his berries were dropped onto a mud puddle. "Gracious me!" He exclaimed with a funny voice.

"Oh shit! Are you alright, Barry?" Frank quickly rushed over and helped the frog up to his feet.

"Oops. Sorry about that, Barry. I didn't see you there, Barry." Anne said.

While Barry looked sad that his berries were ruined, it didn't seem to destroy his spirits. "Shucks, kids. Don't worry about it." He said, giving the two best friends a wink. "Nothing gets Barry down."

Barry placed his hands behind Anne and Frank's ears and pulled out two lollipops from thin air. They both gasped in amazement and took the candy. "Barry, you can make anyone's day better." Frank said with a kind smile.

"Have a 'Barry' good day." The tall frog said to them with a chuckle as he walked off with his saucepot. A second later, he appeared behind the counter of his stand, which was named Barry's Berries. "Barry's here!" The crowd of kids starts cheering at Barry as they eagerly gather around.

"There goes Barry, the sweetest frog in all of Wartwood," Anne said with a smile as she watched from afar. At the same time, the song was still playing. "Okay, yeah, this song's lame."

"Told you, man," Frank said as Anne grabbed her phone from the bucket. Stopping the music, she deleted it from her library.

"Man, I guess some stuff just doesn't hold up today," Anne said, as she tried to find another song.

However, as she was doing so, the Thai girl noticed movement in front of her and looked up. Across from their stand was the Flour Breads & Pastries stand. However, the only person working there was the local creepy frog girl Maddie. She was using a cauldron to make what was likely a potion.

"Hey, Maddie! Happy market day!" Anne greeted her with a hand wave.

Maddie creepily and slowly twisted her head backwards and stared back at Anne. She then smiled eerily at the human girl.

Anne laughed at this. "Classic creepy Maddie."

"Uh, yeah," Frank said; still a little creeped out by the girl. He opened the barrel that housed all the corn they were going to be cooking.

"Here's another corn." Sprig's hand popped out, holding a new corn on a cob.

"Thanks, Sprig." Frank took the corn and threw it on the grip. He watched it with a smile, until the realization hit him. Opening the barrel lid again, he looked down to see the pink frog huddled inside the barrel. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Hiding. Ever since Maddie and I got engaged, things between us have been... awkward." Sprig told him.

"But aren't you in love with Ivy?" Frank asked as Anne walked over and looked inside at Sprig.

"Shhh! Don't say it out loud! What if Ivy's around?" Sprig nervously poked his head out to scan the area to see if his crush was around. Luckily, she wasn't.

"Dude, if you don't want to be engaged to Maddie anymore, just go break it off," Anne said.

"Break up with her? To her face?!" Sprig asked incredulously as he popped out of the barrel in shock. He then climbed onto Anne and hid in her hair, much to her annoyance. "She'll kill me!"

Living in a Frog World (Male OC x Anne Boonchuy)Where stories live. Discover now