End of flashback

"Alright, well now that we are all here lets get bug catching!" Kel smiled. We all headed off in different directions, and i was secretly praying i didn't get lost. It wouldn't be nice to hallucinate at this hour of the night while walking inside a forest. Kel headed north, Aubrey headed southwest  and Basil headed northwest. I decided to take a route in between Kel and Basil, since they were going near each other, too. So if i were to hallucinate something, i could run to either my left or right. While i was walking, my only company was the sound of crickets and the rustling grass under my feet. I wanted to look for bugs and have fun, but i was on guard the entire time.

Suddenly, i heard a rustle in the bushes. I quickly looked over and my body began to tremble. It was dark and the only thing I could make out was a silhouette... it was of something. My body began to move in its own and i ran. My breathing was heavy, and I began to feel adrenaline. It was hard to run in the dark, i had to be very careful not to run into a tree which I almost did twice. Suddenly, my ears began to ring. It was incredibly loud, to the point where it was painful. I know it happens to everyone, but the timing of when the ringing began was poor. Now i didn't know how far away something was. I looked back to check, and before i could get a good glimpse i tripped.

I grunted when I hit the floor. "Sunny! Are you okay?!" I heard a voice say as I heard footsteps hurry over to me. I groaned as I stood up. I felt a sting on my cheek. I saw someone kneeling down in front of me, and when I looked up, it was Kel. I slowly raised my arm up to my left cheek to check if I was injured, and when I touched it, sure enough, it burned. "Oof.. that's a pretty nasty scrape.." Kel said before gently wiping some dirt near the injury. I heard rattling coming from behind me, and I quickly turned around. Aubrey was there. "Sunny are you okay? Sorry.. Did I spook you?" Aubrey asked while she knelt down. "Wait, what happened?" Kel asked. "I wasn't finding any bugs where I headed off to, so I decided to head off somewhere else. And I just so happened to go where Sunny went. After a while of walking and catching bugs, i saw his silhouette in front of me and i wanted to say hi but then he began running. I must say, you're

I was walking at a quick pace, and i kept looking around me until a beetle caught my eye. I walked over to it and was ready to swing my net at it.. When i heard something. I jumped and i quickly looked over at the direction it was coming from. It was from behind me. A silhouette that somewhat resembles something began to show itself, and that was my que to run. I quickly ran and tried to keep my heart from skipping a beat. Why now!? Slowly, the sounds of the grass rustling under my feet, crickets and my heaving breathing were being drowned out by a ringing iquick!" Aubrey said as she pulled out a bandaid. "Aubrey, i don't think that bandaid is big enough for his wound.." Kel said. Aubrey scratched the back of her head while giving an awkward giggle. "Let me guess, you found a spider?" Aubrey asked. I shook my head. Aubrey looked confused and was lost in thought for a while before my net cage caught her eye. " Wait, Sunny, how come you don't have any bugs? I encountered many while walking down your path." Aubrey asked. " ..I, uh..didn't find any... must have scared them away. I was being quite loud with my footsteps." I replied. Kel sighed. "We should probably cut this activity short and tend to your wound before it gets infected." Kel stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up. I felt a sting on my right knee, so I began to limp.  "Darn, your knee is pretty injured too.." Kel bent over to take a closer look before grabbing my hand for me to use as support. "Yeah, i mean he did trip over a rock. ..and he fell onto a stepping stone." Aubrey replied. "That's bad luck.. Can you walk well, Sunny?" He asked. I nodded while squinting in pain, but Kel didn't let go of my hand, just in case I needed something to put some of my weight on while walking.  "..you don't look okay." Aubrey said. "Of course he isn't. He's bleeding. How could that not hurt?" Kel snarled at Aubrey.

We walked over to the path where Basil headed off, and found him. We all headed to Kels house. "Heroooooooo!" Kel called out when he opened the door. "Yeah?" A distant voice replied while Kel led me to the couch. "You have a patient!!!' Kel replied. He let go of my hand when I sat down. We heard Heros' footsteps walk downstairs and when he did he walked over to us. He knelt down and looked at my knee and cheek. "What happened?" Hero looked over at Kel. "he tripped on a pebble and fell on a stone." Kel smiled awkwardly. Hero sighed before standing up and walking away. Aubrey looked confused and looked at Kel with a "did he just walk off?" Look. i'm guessing she thought he was just going to leave us to tend to it alone. Kel winked with a smile in a way to say "don't worry". After a while, Hero returned with a white bag. He knelt down on the floor and put the white bag next to him. He opened it up and grabbed a cloth and a bottle with a label saying "saline" and poured some of it onto the cloth. "I think i might have used to much alt in this solution and i would mix it with more water but its better to disinfect now just incase mixing it takes long,  so it might sting." Hero warned before gently wiping the wound. I flinched and closed my eye tightly, trying to ignore the sting. He wiped off the remaining blood with a cotton ball and added a cotton ball over the wound. He grabbed a bandage and wrapped it over the wound so the cotton ball would stay over the wound. " Leave it there for a few hours, then come back. I'll replace it, then you can remove it again after a few hours and it will be fine to leave it uncovered." He said as he stood up and sat down next to me to tend to the wound on my cheek. It wasnt as bad as the wound on the knee. He disinfected, put a cotton ball over it and put bandages in an x form ontop of the cotton ball to keep it in place. "Kel, im pretty sure you could have handled this wouldnt perfectly by yourself." Hero looked over at Kel while putting away his stuff. "Well yeah, but you have the resources" Kel replied.

Hero walked away. Kel checked the clock. It was around ten pm. "Well, its quite late, and you guys must be tired after a long day." Kel said as he turned to look at us. We all said our goodbyes before they headed off to their houses. When Basil and Aubrey left, Kel yawned. "Welp, im very tired. Considering im this tired, compared to you, you must be absolutely exhausted." Kel smiled. "I'll let you sleep. Goodnight, Sunny."Kel said in a tired voice as he brought a blanket over to me, turned off the light and headed upstairs.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now